Saturday, December 02, 2000 |
Mommy |
Oh Laura and Ashley June,
Please come visit us. We'd love to see you. Conner is doing okay for
now. It changes each day, but lately he's been fine. He's so big from
the time he sat at on the couch saying, "LaLaLaLa." You'll be
so surprised. When you all heal, come see us!
Friday, December 01, 2000 | Laura M. | It has taken this computer idiot 3 attempts to post this. Conner, I LOVE your new web page and all the pictures. I hope your Mommy will keep updating them so that we can all keep up with you. Ashley June wants to come visit and I told your Daddy we were but she has had a runny nose since Tues. It's probably just allergies but we didn't want to take any chances. Once it clears up and I know we are all healthy, we want to come see you. We are thinking of you every day! |
Thursday, November 30, 2000 | Mommy |
Thanks Auntie Lisa for the Happy Thanksgiving. We have moved. We are
now at
BUT I recommend you go to
and check out the other precious babies and their families, too.
Skylar and Cassidy are the twins that live near us. Read about them
and the fundraiser that is coming up. Anyone who can come, please do.
We will be going, so we could all go together.
Wednesday, November 22, 2000 | Auntie Lisa |
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!! Just wanted to let you know I am
thinking of you & your family & wishing you all a happy
holiday. It was great seeing you & spending some time with
you a couple of weekends ago. You're in my thoughts &
prayers. Give Conner a big hug for me! Talk to you
Miss you!
Tuesday, November 21, 2000 | Mommy |
Conner is doing okay today. We are going to grammy's tomorrow. I hope
he does okay. He hasn't been too active. Any movement seems to clog
him. Even therapy is becoming difficult. He used to enjoy baths until
now since he just stays clogged all through them. Now, I don't
look forward to bathing him. Therapy can get that way-inexsufflating
him the whole time until we just have to put the bipap on. Poor
babe. I am so tired of seeing him suffer. No baby should go through
this much suffering yet so many do. It is so, so sad. I'm just not in
a great mood today-so I better go before I indulge in gloom.
Sunday, November 19, 2000 | Mommy |
Check out the "Words to Live By..." That is what I
want to tell people who ask me what they can do. You can appreciate
what you have whileyou have it. A life.
Friday, November 17, 2000 | Mommy |
We had a scare yesterday-not with the disease. I had Conner and Abby
out on the wagon and I turned a corner and Conner fell out onto the
driveway and hit his head. It scared us and looked even more damaging
because of Conner's limp body, not able to break any of the fall. He
was so helpless riding in his wagon and next thing he knows his head
is hitting the hard cement. It breaks my heart that I did that. But,
he is fine. We called the doctor immediately and he assured me that
Conner's head is as hard as any child's head that age. He's done fine
so far-I can't find the bump though. I feel several just because of
the way Conner's head is. I don't know which thing is the real bump.
He made it through but I hope it NEVER happens again!
Thursday, November 09, 2000 | Mommy |
Conner is doing fine. He slept so well last night and had a good day.
He'll be with his daddy this weekend (and the nurse). Mommy will be at
Lauren's birthday party. I hope Conner will be happy and healthy.
Nobody's like Mommy...
Wednesday, November 08, 2000 | Grammy |
We are going to go out and eat now. Hope Conner, Abby, and those old people around there are all doing well, loving each other and being kind to each other. Just let life happen and stay positive and believe in a world of loving and caring. My heart is with you and always. |
Tuesday, November 07, 2000 | Mommy |
We are managing. Conner is doing fine. I am going out of town this
weekend and John will have help from our last nurse, Lisa. I
hope they get to spend some quality time together..John and Conner-not
John and Lisa. Thanks for caring!
Monday, November 06, 2000 | Mommy |
I would like to report that everything was going good but its not.
Conner is okay and seems to be doing well but his mommy and daddy
aren't . We have decided to separate for now. Its better for everyone
right now. I think if I can get everything worked out I may go to
Billy's for a week. It would be nice for Conner to have that time with
his cousins. I haven't made any decisions yet but it would be nice. It
all depends on how the baby is doing and if John and his parents can
stand being away from him that long. That's all for now.
Tuesday, October 31, 2000 | Mommy |
Abby had her very special birthday last weekend. She is 3!!! She got
lots of presents-Conner did too. Grammy, Daddy, Granddaddy and others
attended. We had a good time. Today is Halloween. We'll see what
happens tonight. We may take Conner for a stroll. He has been sick
with a fever but we have taken him to the doctor twice and we can't
seem to conclude anything. Blood work is fine. It is suspected that
his pneumonia shot may be having a side effect. We hope. His O2 kept
dropping last night though. He's only been off his bipap(breathing
machine) a couple of hours since 8 last night. That is more than
normal. We'll see......
Friday, October 20, 2000 | Auntie Reea |
![]() |
Thursday, October 19, 2000 | Mommy (Aunt) |
Abby and Conner were in the costume contest and Conner won second
place! He didn't know he had entered. The win was
political-Conner's cuteness really outweighed his costume- but
they gave money with the prize so we don't mind that he won unfairly.
They both were the cutest one's there. Abby was so funny talking to
everyone and wanting to hug the Moola Monster and dancing on stage.
And talking, talking, talking. She befriended the dragon-in the
pictures. We had a lot of fun and now Conner sleeps.
Thursday, October 19, 2000 | Mommy |
won the beauty pageant! Conner got to go the mall and see Abby in
the pageant. We were proud of both of them. Tonight Abby and Conner
are going to be in a Halloween Costume Contest. Abby is going to be a
cat(like sylvester) and Conner is going to be a lion. We are going to
paint their faces, too! We will take pictures.
Saturday, October 14, 2000 | Grammy | ![]() |
Thursday, October 12, 2000 | Mommy |
We tried to
take Conner to the fair but that didn't work. He didn't like it and/or
he was way too tired and wasn't breathing well through the crying. We
tried. We'll try something else another time.
Wednesday, October 11, 2000 | Mommy |
Conner went to the
doctor today. He has an ear infection in his left ear and a little in
his right. I knew he had it in his left but I hadn't checked his
right. We have medicine so he'll be fine. He already seems like he's
in a better mood. If he continues to feel okay, we'll try to take him
to the fair. He enjoyed being out today. He smiled and laughed and
talked. We went by the drug store and saw Sonny. Conner and Abby
are going to dress up for a Halloween Costume Contest on Oct. 19 for
the bank's quarterly meeting. They will WIN!!!! If the cutest
count, they will win.
Monday, October 09, 2000 | Alison | Nice hairdo in that last picture
Conner!:) I don't think I have ever seen it quite so full of body. It
looks like my little brother Ryan's hair when I used to fix it with
hairspray when he was a baby. I am glad you're feeling better. I'll have
to come visit soon. Love, Alison |
Saturday, October 07, 2000 | Mommy |
is doing pretty good today. He has a harder time in the morning
but by 3 or 4 he starts to adjust better (breathing). I actually
haven't given him any pain medication in that past 5 hours, so that is
good. Hopefully Conner will feel better this next weekend so we
can take him to the ballgame or something. Talk later! Betsey
![]() |
Thursday, October 05, 2000 | Mommy | Oh yes, Conner was so happy to Aunt Suzy and cousin Abby. He smiled and smiled. We brought him home in the ambulance and when the medics rolled him down the hall toward his room a huge smile came across his face and he started saying, "uuhhhhhhhhh." He smiled and smiled. His older girlfriend, Tara, had left him a present and a welcome home sign. We are glad to be home. Conner is still being messed with by us, constant suctioning and inexsufflating and suctioning-on and on in the mornings-but then we give him extra love. Okay, talk later. Thanks for our messages and thoughts, etc. love, love |
Wednesday, October 04, 2000 | Auntie Reea | Hi Conner, Mommy, & Daddy :o)!!! I'm so glad to hear
that Conner is home sweet home. I bet it was nice to be back home with
all your familiar surroundings. A bugs life is on cable right now- I
watched it yesterday (well at least some of it until Doug came in and
began his nightly surfing ritual: I keep waiting for him to say "Duuude
this rules") and wondered if you were watching it at the same time.
I love you all and can't wait to visit again soon. Lots of big hugs and kisses! Love, Auntie Reea |
Monday, October 02, 2000 | Grammy | Hi Conner, Abby and all, Glad you're home little boy...without your tonsils and adenoids. Hope this means you will be able to stay healthy so you can come back to Grammy's house and visit again soon...Abby's birthday will be our next big celebration...3 years old. Thank you all for my video...I played the music while I cleaned house and cried until that silly rap song came on...then I laughed. I laugh and cry alot these days. All my babies...little and big...give me great joy! |
Monday, October 02, 2000 | Aunt Suzy | Conner FINALLY came home today from the hospital. Cousin Abby and I have missed him more than words can say. We are so happy to see him and can't stop hugging and kissing him. He is very happy too. He keeps looking at Abby and smiling and "talking". WELCOME HOME CONNER!!!!!! |
Monday, September 25, 2000 | Auntie Lisa | Conner it was so wonderful to see you yesterday! You are getting so big I think you have grown even more since I saw you on your birthday. Just wanted to say I enjoyed spending the day with you and your mommy. One day you will realize what a special person your mommy is & how blessed you are to have someone as sweet as her. I know I am thankful she has been in my life all these years. Anyway take care, I'll be saying an extra special prayer for you on Wed. I can't wait to see you again! Lots of hugs & kisses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Sunday, September 24, 2000 | Mommy | We are at Grammy's and Conner is doing well so far. We celebrated Grammy's birthday, a little bit of Halloween and today we're doing Christmas. We'redoing a Conner Christmas but he's been sleeping the whole day -so he doesn't know yet. Okay, we'll keep you up with the Riggs later. Betsey |
Thursday, September 21, 2000 | Mommy | We're thinking the surgery will be Wed. around noon. Let you know more later. |
Thursday, September 21, 2000 | Mommy | Can't wait to go to Grammy's. Conner has stayed well. The first time in a long time he has been off antibiotics for longer than 3 or 4 days. He looksextra cute today. He is wearing his rap artist jersey. His coloring looks extra good and he is happy. I hope he stays well. The energy is with him. Everyone is sending him energy. I must go. Let you know when the surgery is later. |
Thursday, September 21, 2000 | Grammy | Yeah, Conner is coming to Grammyland today! I can't wait to see him and play with him. Abby is here and I hope to get Drew and Lauren Sat. so the whole gang will be together again...what fun! NOw I'm off to work so I can buy surprises for all. |
Tuesday, September 19, 2000 | Mommy | Well, we took Conner to the doctor yesterday and he said that his tonsils and adenoids would need to come out. The problem though is that the surgerymay leave him dependent on the vent. But if they don't come out then the tonsils will increasingly block his airway. John and I agreed that we don't Conner vent dependent, so if he becomes dependent we'll bring him home with hospice and take it out. But that is too difficult to even think about right now. We will just try to get through the surgery and hope that he does well. The doctor has no guarantees about how Conner will do. We don't know either. It could go either way. Just letting you know what was happening. We will take him up to Grammy's if he continues to feel good this week and he should have the surgery sometime next week. Abby is driving me nuts to put on a "show" -a computer game-so I have to go. She told me to "STOP DOING your letters!" I better do what she says. She is fierce. |
Sunday, September 17, 2000 | Mommy | Conner has had a pretty good last few days. I got a new formula, finally!, to try him on and I'm introducing it gradually so he doesn't cry. I gave acan of the new stuff to him last night and he cried so I took it back out of his tummy and it took all night to get him readjusted-drugs, sleep, poops, mylanta, crying. He's back on track and I gave him just a little new stuff with his regular formula and he did fine! His diet is so important because if he gets what he needs, he won't get these petty little sicknesses that rob him of strength. After watching videos of Conner all weekend, we've realized that Conner has gotten progressively worse. After Joseph, we are really realizing that we are going to lose Conner in the next year or so. He fell asleep in my arms for the first time in a year last night. It was a gift from my dad I think. I haven't been able to hold him longer than 15 minutes since we found out how sick he is but last night I held him for at least an hour and rocked him to sleep and cried on him til I woke him putting him to bed. Lauren says,"He's here NOW!" So, we are trying to really get a lot of pictures and videos. We have a digital camera now and we take lots and lots of pictures everyday and save them to disks. We do lots of videos. Conner says, hi, and he has lots of big smiles for everyone. Bye. |
Thursday, September 14, 2000 | Grammy | Hi you bunch of Statesboro folks...hope Conner's birthday was joyful. I wish he were feeling better. He has good caretakers and is being given all the love and attention one little boy can get...from Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Suzy and Abby and all the extentions. I wish I could help with his care and indulge in stealing some "sugar" (from him and his big girl cousin) Kisses xxxxx |
Wednesday, September 13, 2000 | Mommy | Thanks for the message antie reea. We went to Joseph's viewing last night and funeral today. It was difficult. He appeared stuffed in a doll box butvery peaceful. His funeral was grave side and by the side of the highway. Cars were rushing by as an african dressed and looking lady sang "Jesus Loves Me." It was so sad and very basic. Amy was glad we were there and so that made me satisfied we went. Her friend who was there also had a baby die of SMA 1 four years ago. I told her to come see Conner. We celebrated Conner's 14 month birthday tonight. He cried then slept through it. We'll recelebrate tomorrow when he feels better. He is currently sick, again. |
Tuesday, September 12, 2000 | Auntie Reea | Hi sweet Conner, Mommy, & Daddy. I am so sorry to hear
about your friend, little Joseph. I'm sure he is in heaven right now
running around playing and laughing, watching over his mommy. I will
keep Amy in my prayers. I can't even begin to imagine the pain of losing
someone so special. My heart goes out to her. I love you all and think
of you often. I hope that you are all doing well today. Lots of hugs and kisses. |
Sunday, September 10, 2000 | Mommy | Joseph died a little while ago, the
sweet SMA baby in Swainsboro. He was a few months younger than Conner
and the first of the five babies around here to go. Amy called from the
hospital and I hope I can help her. A hard thing to do is to voluntarily
face what I know we will go through before we have to go through it. I
feel the way you feel about me right now- I am glad I am not her. I am sad, so sad. My heart is sad. But-he's free of this disease but so far from his mommy. |
Saturday, September 09, 2000 | Grammy | Grammy is missing her little whipper snappers this weekend. It's very quiet and actually clean around here. I'm all rested up and now I need my baby fix...where are all the oompa loompa's? I guess I'm born for chaos, this quiet gets to me. Love you guys, kisses on the neck for Conner! |
Tuesday, September 05, 2000 | Conner | Grammy and cousins and aunts and uncles
and great grandparents, thbbbbbb....nga....nga.....uhhhhhhh....uhhhhhhhh... (that translates into: I enjoyed seeing you all and Billy and Shannon looked like rednecks on the tube and Drew is staunchy and Grammy and Granddaddy love me and I love them) P.S. nga....uuuuhhhhhhhh |
Tuesday, September 05, 2000 | Grammy | Conner, thank you for coming to see Grammy this weekend. I really liked having my little munchkins all under one roof. What a special treat to haveyou and all your cousins and aunts and uncles together. My house looked like a war zone, but it was worth it to have so much togetherness and happiness. I love you and miss you. I hope you'll come back "over the river and through the woods to Grammy's house" again soon. |
Tuesday, August 29, 2000 | Aunt Maria | Hi Sweet Conner, Mommy, & Daddy. I
hope you are all having one of your good days today. I love the new
pictures from your 13th month Birthday.I wish that I could be there to
celebrate all of your Birthdays. I hope that I will be able to visit you
again soon. Until then, I will be thinking of you all. Lots of Love! |
Sunday, August 27, 2000 | Conner | I love you Grammy! |
Sunday, August 27, 2000 | Grammy | Good Morning everyone, Today is Pop Pop's birthday and we have big plans for him. Actually, it was his idea to get the family together and go back to Belvedere Methodist Church, where he used to go and where Bill's funeral service was held. So, I planned further and I have made lunch to take over to Billy's house so that we can all go back there and eat and go for a swim, weather permitting. I wish we could have all of you here...Conner, Abby and parents, but we will have you in our hearts and on video! I'll take the latest videos with me to show. Love you all, Grammy |
Tuesday, August 22, 2000 | Mommy | Sonny, Conner and I went to see Joseph today. He is a cutie and has the same curious eyes as Conner. His O2 dropped several times while we were there with the bipap on. Very scary. That's every minute of every day. He has black curly hair and black eyes but light skin. I guess his daddy was black or had ethnic, dark features but Amy has blonde hair and blue eyes. I guess that's where his light skin comes from. He is precious and beautiful. He's chunky! He smiled at me through his mask. Amy did a good job with him. She was in complete control which made me feel better. I took video. I'll try to find a way to get a picture on here from the video. |
Tuesday, August 22, 2000 | Grammy | Hi Guys, How's my little munchkin today? I miss that sweet little face and those big curious eyes. I miss that smile he flashes me and the way he pulls my finger closer when I try to pull it away. I wish I had more time there but I look at my videos and I work hard to be free someday. I have decided that's about all work is worth...buying freedom. I love you, xxxxx Grammy |
Tuesday, August 22, 2000 | Auntie Lisa | You are in my prayers daily & I will pray for this
other family to have strength as God takes away her precious little
angle. Hopefully you can get there to take pictures of the baby I would
love to see him/her. Sorry to hear Conner was not feeling well this weekend, I am glad he is doing better. I hope you & John are well I just wanted to say hello & let you know I am thinking of you (always). Take care & I miss you all!!!!!!!! |
Friday, August 18, 2000 | Mommy | Hi Walshes! I am glad you are keeping up with the Riggs. Conner is doing a little better today. He's fussy but sometimes he gets fussy because he is not watching t.v. A little bratty! I hope so. We try very hard to give him ANYthing he acts like he wants so I suppose that would create a king whiner. We've done our job. He was watching a video today and the song was saying to wave to the dog and his left hand was waving. Very cute. He's understanding. I am sure he understands much more than I know. I need to find out what he knows. Okay, talk to ya later. Betsey |
Thursday, August 17, 2000 | The Walshes | Hi to the Riggs and Carlisle families!!! Just wanted to let y'all know we are still here and thinking of you! We hope Conners ears feel better soon! Love y'all! |
Monday, August 14, 2000 | Grammy | Happy 13 month birthday, Conner. I wish I could have been there! I haven't missed many of your birthdays, but things are different now. Grammy is sooooo tied down. I think of you every day and as Abby says, I feel like "I lost my Conner". Maybe I'll get down soon. Be sweet and feel good so Mommy and Daddy will be happy. Kisses to you all. |
Monday, August 14, 2000 | Mommy | Happy Birthday to Conner! He celebrated his 13 month birthday yesterday. We had balloons, cupcakes and mini toys for him. We took pictures. Go check them out. He cried for the first part because I woke him up. But when we put in Veggie Tales he started smiling. He finally seems to be feeling better. Conner slept wonderfully last night, thank goodness. |
Thursday, August 10, 2000 | Grammy | Conner say mamamamama? Well, Grammy is working hard, trying to make lots of money, pay credit cards, and retire in that order. This high stress is areal challenge for me...not my preference, but right now my choices are limited. I will have some new chapters to write in my "book" from these experiences...can you say "kill the roaches!" and "when will you be released?" Also "bar of soap", comb and toothbrush come to mind. Maybe it'll get better. I want to see you so much but I'll have to be patient. Take care and say "grammmmmmy"! |
Wednesday, August 09, 2000 | Aunt Maria | Hello Riggs family. I have been thinking about you guys
all the time. Betsey I just love your new hair style- it was the make
over program that didit wasn't it- hehehe. Lights, camera, action- it
still makes me laugh. Conner I miss your sweet little face and your
adorable smile. I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling so well-
I know Mommy and Daddy will do all they can do to make you feel better.
Hugs and kisses for all of you :o). P.S. I hope the blubbery naked gay guy gets the boot tonight!!! |
Wednesday, August 09, 2000 | Mommy | Hello to those who are reading about Conner. He is doing fine after another ear infection and a bit of tonsilitis (sp?). We persuaded the doctor to give us some stronger pain medication for those times when Conner is hurting and cries and cries and can't breathe with or without his bi-pap. At least with this we can help with the pain and he can relax enough not to fight the bipap. We can keep it on him until the medicine wears off so he won't just stop breathing altogether. He is talking more than he has in the past few months. He said Momma last night with me moving his lips. He knew we were pleased. We got it on video. He likes to be bounced on the bed. He always makes noises, uhUHuhUH, when we bounce him. Okay, later, bye. |
Thursday, August 03, 2000 | Auntie Lisa | Betsey, I love the new do! I bet it feels great, ok you
have inspired me to do it. I have been wanting to cut the long locks for
a while & you just gave me that extra push. Give precious Conner a big hug for me. I'm sorry he hasn't been feeling too well this week. However, he couldn't ask for a better nurse. Take care!!! |
Thursday, August 03, 2000 | Grammy | Yeah! They got rid of Gervase and
Jordan...both in the same night. Hope Conner wakes up happy today and feeling good. He can be on my "island" andin my "crazy house" any day. Some days I think we DO have an island of Survivors right in our own family...hopefully one that works together to keep everyone in tact. |
Wednesday, August 02, 2000 | Mommy | Okay the lack of hair is posted. It is much easier. Conner went to the doctor today and he is feeling much better. He has ear infection and throat something and fever but he seems happier today. We have a stronger antibiotic to give him. Thank goodness for our new doctor. We would have ended up in the hospital in the past. Completely unnecessary... Well, John and I went out to eat tonight but our spirits are down right now and only Survivor and Big Brother could keep us happy-at least me anyway. John actually thinks I am psycho for being so involved in these people's lives. Conner loves me just the way I am. |
Wednesday, August 02, 2000 | Grammy | Hey, Conner's Mommy, why don't you post
a picture of your new hair do? The world would like to see a short
haired Betsey. You haven't had short hair since you were 1 year
old.(maybe 2) You were without hair for so long. Hope Conner is feeling better today. It's been a tough week for my little guy. Love and kisses to Conner and Abby. |
Saturday, July 29, 2000 | Mommy | What a yucky day. I will try to transition slowly but not too slowly to the concoction. The switch is going bad. Conner cried all day and that is hard to deal with. He doesn't have the energy to cry and he was grunting with nostrils flaring. That would be respiratory distress in any other child. I suppose it is in him too. I put the bipap on to help him breathe and he'd cry more. Veggie tales only worked for a short time but he liked me patting his back but my arms got tired. Enough. I think he's doing better now. John came home and relieved me. Okay, I am going to my bed. I have conquered 29596, mom, just now. Okay, I miss my company. |
Saturday, July 29, 2000 | Grammy | Well, I'm back home and miss Conner, Mommy, Daddy, Abby, and Suzy. Lauren misses you, too. I love you all and I wish I could be closer. Hope Conner's tummy is adjusting to the new "big boy" food concoction. I like to think of smiles,not tears, when I think of my angel. I'd like Mommy to be able to smile, also. |
Thursday, July 27, 2000 | Mommy | Yippy!! Grammy and Lauren have come to visit Conner and Abby!! Fun, fun. |
Tuesday, July 25, 2000 | Grammy | Hi my little angels...Conner and Abby. Grammy would love to be there with you two acting silly and singing "hot potato and mashed banah-nah". You two just give you mommies lots of exercise. They can always get a massage later. Grammy's 56 and never had a least not a professional one. Well be sweet and Abby, I'm still didn't lose Grammy. |
Sunday, July 23, 2000 | Mommy | Well Conner is just so cute. His antibiotic for his
infection is making him feel so bad-his tummy. But he is just so cute
how he makes his preferences known. He looks at me and looks at what he
wants-again and again and again-until dumb me figures out that he is
truly communicating and trying to tell me something. He says, "mmmm...mmmmm......mmm" I got him some things today to make my life and his easier. I got him one of those net things you put your clothes on to dry - a net drying rack and he lays in it like a hammock. It gives him some air on his side or back instead of being right up against the bed or sofa. I also got an under the bed storage thing to bathe in. It is perfect and I don't have to drag him to the deep tub and have him in an awkward position. It will be much easier to have easy access to him in that shallow thing. I put a soft bathmat inside it. I got more stuff but I won't go on. Just know that Wal-Mart and K-mart are sources of creative conveniences for Conner. Mom, Conner loves you and misses you. |
Sunday, July 23, 2000 | Grammy | It's been a little hard for everyone
right now and I wish I could be closer to Conner and Mommy and Daddy. I
feel so helpless when my baby and her baby need so much help and
support. Some days all I can do is love and pray, and appreciate all the
people who step up and do so much. Suzy and Abby will be back tomorrow to help Mommy and make Conner laugh. I'll be there as soon as possible. Mammaw and Pop Pop are thinking of you all, too. I talked to them today. xxxxxoooo kisses from Grammy |
Thursday, July 20, 2000 | Mommy | Conner is doing okay but he has an ear infection, again. He was moody this morning but slept a lot today. He's got places on his arms we have to watch out for because they are wearing down like bed sores because he likes to have his arms bent all the time. Since he sleeps so much it is difficult to keep his arms out. It is also hard because he is teething and wants to bite his fingers when he is awake. I don't know. Today was a bad day. Sometimes I don't think things will ever be normal again. To get normal again, things will have to get a lot worse first. I am so tired but there is no choice but to keep marching on...and on and falling and getting up and going again. I guess everyone has a story and this is mine. |
Tuesday, July 18, 2000 | Mommy | Conner had a wonderful birthday with family and friends. It was a pretty day and Conner did great! Thanks for coming. It meant a lot to us to have everyone there. I had a lot of fun, too. On the local news, Lisa N. and Momma were loving on Conner. Momma's posters were on too. |
Friday, July 14, 2000 | Maria | "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy
Birthday Sweet Conner, Happy Birthday to YOU!" :o) I'm sorry I am a day late sweetie, computertroubles. I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. I have to sing to you online because you would cringe to hear me sing in person, just ask your Mommy- hehehe. I am very excited to see you and your Mommy & Daddy tomorrow. Lots of hugs & kisses, Aunt Reea. |
Thursday, July 13, 2000 | Mommy | Conner had a such a great day. As he awoke, Abby and I sung Happy Birthday to him (on video). Then Abby hogged the camera and I had to turn it off. Imade arrangements for Conner's party all day. What Conner wants....Hmmm. That's hard. He loves videos, The Wiggles (they're weird but kids like them), he doesn't do much playing with toys. We try but he's not that interested since he can't move-its a little frustrating. So, what we suggested for people, if they want, is to make a donation in Conner's name to a charity that benefits SMA kids and education in our area about the disease and how to care for it. I have been quite frustrated with local doctors and nurses not knowing what this disease is and being afraid to see Conner only to have him suffer with unnecessary hospital stays. Anyway, it would benefit Conner ten times more than a present that he can't play with or, for us, a house full of presents we will have to deal with when he's gone. However, some who love him feel that not getting him anything is too weird (like me). For those, he likes videos and he needs 2T tee shirts, size 2 pajamas, size 2 clothes...The charity info is So Many Angels, P.O. Box 308, Richmond Hill, GA 31324. This money goes to a cure and to my county specifically to help Conner. For those who can't make it. That is just fine. We don't think you don't love us. We just know that you send your love in other ways and it is just as felt. Love, love, Betsey |
Thursday, July 13, 2000 | The Walshes | (((((((Happy Birthday Conner!!!))))))) We hope that today is better for everyone! What are you wanting for your first birthday? Teletubbies? A Bug? I'm sure it will be wonderful... Take care of yourself and your mommy and daddy! See you soon! Love, Howey, Amy, Ronni, and Heather |
Tuesday, July 11, 2000 | Mommy | Oh, what bad days. We have good ones and bad ones. I hope this weekend is good. Besides our air conditioning breaking at our house, I locked the babyin the van. The van locks automatically when you close the door when the keys are in and the car is on-I learned. We had every emergency agency in town at our door. We ended up having to bust the window in since the baby started crying and starting to choke. Conner stopped breathing today. He went unconscious. John repositioned him and he came back. I wasn't with him. Very scary. I suppose the point of sharing all of this is to remember how lucky we are that Conner is here to celebrate his first birthday. Many of these babies don't see their first birthday. We are lucky to have Conner each day, each hour that we have him and I know that. As he fell asleep tonight, so peacefully, he reached out and stroked my arm. He'd stop and I'd rub his back some more then he would start rubbing my arm again. Even when he closed his eyes, he kept moving his hand against my forearm. That was my hug. I love it when he does that. He talked a lot today and last night, too. "UHHH!" He tries to get louder and louder, "uhhhhhhh." We saw the gastroenterologist today and he had his diet changed because he is 1. Suzy does great with him and I appreciate it. It helps him stay healthy. Okay, hope to see some of you at the party. Love a rambling mommy, Betsey |
Saturday, July 08, 2000 | Mommy | Alison, I knew that "Bug's Life" humor was your humor! We went to see the stars and moon tonight. I read in the paper this morning that the AstronomyClub (GSU) was doing something at the Botanical Gardens for people to come out and they would help people see the things in the sky. We took a telescope, a citronella candle, off, a cooler, blankets, and Conner and went. Conner got to look into a huge telescope and see the moon. It was so close, you could see the texture of the hill down to the bottom of the crater. Conner got to see people and be seen. Everyone who came up knew who he was. He's our little shining star. Conner looked so cute in his jeans, polo t-shirt and sandles! We got pictures-will post. I am excited about Conner's birthday. I am hoping he stays well. He is acting like he is getting a cold but that would be a hospital stay. We are hoping nothing develops. We wash hands frequently. Oh, for anyone reading, since I am searching for innovative things to nip colds and infections short, I have found an over the counter drug called Zimac and it is supposed to shorten the duration of a cold by a week or so. Could be significant for anyone...Anyway, lots of stuff. Happy reading. |
Saturday, July 08, 2000 | Alison | Hey Conner. I saw the picture of you and
Uncle Daniel watching A Bug's Life. That is one of my favorite movies.
My husband won't ever buy it for me, so I'll just have to watch it with
you when I come to visit. Love, Alison |
Thursday, July 06, 2000 | Mommy | Mommy got a break from the nursing job in Statesboro!! I had a great time last weekend. I went to my grandparents' 59th wedding anniversary party andthen went out with THE BOYS. I played darts and pool and it was GREAT. I vented to Jeff. Conner had a break from me, too, but I was glad to see him. We've enjoyed Abby and I have enjoyed having Suzy's LPN help. Gotta go, dinner's ready! Thanks for writing!! |
Wednesday, July 05, 2000 | Connie and Alison | Jeff brought his laptop to the beach, so I have been showing Mom all of Conner's pictures. Hi Betsey - I enjoyed seeing your pictures of Conner. He is a beautiful boy. Love, Connie. Hey Betsey - I hope you had a good time on boys night out. Love Jeff. Faith and Ryan also say hello. Well, I will see you soon. Love, Alison |
Tuesday, July 04, 2000 | Mommy | I am so happy to see you all writing and reading about
Conner. He is a special baby. Cousin Abby is living here now and her
mommy is helping me withConner. Suzy is an LPN and already knows how to
do almost everything. Abby is a big help, too. She gave Conner his
nebulizer treatment yesterday. She does a good job playing. It is her
job just like it is Conner's job to watch his videos. Thank goodness she
likes the same videos as Conner. We all went out and swung in the big swing last night. We put on lots of skin so soft and lit the torches but still got bites everywhere! Conner loves his cousin Abby. He watches her run around and listens to her sing songs. When she walks in his room he gives her a big smile. Love, love |
Saturday, July 01, 2000 | Cousin Lauren | Dear Conner,Whats up?I love
you!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you are havin' a GREAT time!!!!!!!!!!! Cousin Lauren |
Friday, June 30, 2000 | Howey | Wow, what a great use of technology! It sure is good to see everyone! Conner, you sure are one lucky boy to have such a good mommy and daddy. I love the picture of you and your mommy on the front page! You resemble a friend of your cousin Ronni here in Columbia. His name is Henry, a handsome boy like you! We love you all and are thinking of you! |
Wednesday, June 28, 2000 | Mommy | Conner went on a long walk today. We went to the pond and fed the ducks. Then Arthur chased all the ducks away. Conner liked watching Arthur more than the ducks. He really enjoyed the stroll. I had to keep stopping and checking on him because he was so calm and content. I'd look and ask, "Are you liking this?" and he'd smile really big. On the walk back, Arthur hitched a ride on the bottom platform of Conner's special chair. We are excited because cousin Abby is coming tomorrow. Yippy!!!!!! Maybe she wants to go feed the ducks. We'll take pictures to post. |
Tuesday, June 27, 2000 | Aunt Lane | Dear Conner, I have really enjoyed seeing all your pictures. You are such a handsome boy!!! I know Mommie and Daddy are very proud of you. I really enjoyed all the stories about you, Mommie and Daddy. It sounds like ya'll are quite busy. It;s hard to believe your first birthday is coming up!!! I'll have to see if cousin Lisa and I could get down that weekend. I am shocked that I finally got this up on my computer..I've got a lot to learn!!I hope to see you real soon. Aunt Lane |
Monday, June 26, 2000 | Mommy | Conner had a good day. He woke up happy,
visited with his home health nurse, had a long nap, then watched videos.
He visited with granddaddy. Mommy held baby for a while and Conner
laughed and talked. I don't get to hold him that much so I love it when
we get to snuggle close. I got Conner on video sitting in his foam seat
talking today. We have talked to the caterer about Conner's party. It is planned. Elmo cake, refreshments, a place and time. It is here in Statesboro on July 15 at 6:00 p.m. We are putting an announcement in the paper for family and friends which includes anyone who is reading this. No presents necessary. If anyone feels compelled, that person, if he or she wants, could make a donation to Families of SMA in Conner's name for his birthday. Well, that's the Conner report for today. Make sure you click on the pictures when you go to the photo page so you can see them big. Love, Conner's Mommy |
Monday, June 26, 2000 | Grammy | Hi Conner, well to interpret your cousin Abby's message,
what she wanted to say is "I'm driving grammy crazy...and I'll be
there soon so you and I can drive your mommy and my mommy crazy. There's
nothing like crazy old women to entertain you!" Try to be easy on Mommy. She in for some real challenges. So what else is new, huh? |
Monday, June 26, 2000 | abby | ilnm,.jjd7899990000000000000000000000-------bggram,gggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhn |
Friday, June 23, 2000 | Mommy | Today Conner swung for a long time. He was so content just looking out at the yard. He fell asleep a couple of times while we were out swinging. Grandmommy came and swung him for a little while, too. After Conner's long nap, he whined and puffed until we put a video on. I tried to read to him but he just puffed,"ffffffff", until I put in "A Bug's Life" and a big smile came across his face. He is ROTTEN! We have done our job. |
Friday, June 23, 2000 | Grammy | Hello Conner and Mommy, wish you were
here to help with our yard sale today. Grandaddy "bought"
Conner another Elmo from Abby. We are having a hard time parting with
toys so we keep buying them back. One b---- got upset because I wouldn't
sell her a book, she said "I thought I was coming to a yard
sale!" Guess what Grammy said. Well, we won't go there. We're earning money to get Abby and all her worldly goods down to Statesboro so she can be with you guys for awhile. You are really going to have fun with her...and grammy will miss her. She'll make you laugh alot. |
Thursday, June 22, 2000 | Mommy | Conner has been doing pretty well. He's sleeping now. The occupational therapist came today. Conner was able to sit up in his foam seat for 20 min. today! That's great. He loves to sit up but usually has too much spit to do that. Today he did so well. I had to leave but I am sure the therapist gave him a good massage as well. Uncle Jim babysat Conner while Mommy and Daddy were gone. He did a good job even though he confessed he was a little nervous to stay alone with him. I knew he'd do fine for one hour. Love, love Conner-Betsey |
Thursday, June 22, 2000 | Aunt Maria | Hi Sweet Conner, I am sooooo excited about visiting you in a few weeks. I have the beautiful picture of you and your Mommy on my refrigerator so I can see you everyday. Give your Mommy & Daddy lots of kisses & hugs- but save a few for me when I visit :o). I love you, Aunt Ria. |
Tuesday, June 20, 2000 | Alison | Hi Conner. I just got off the phone with your mommy. I wish you lived closer, so I could see and talk to you both more often. I just wanted to tell you I was thinking about you, and I am looking forward to seeing you on your birthday. Love, Alison |
Tuesday, June 20, 2000 | Mommy | It's about to rain. Conner woke up from his nap a little while ago and granddaddy is playing with him. Conner has a new ABC elmo and big bird toy. Helikes it almost as much as his videos. Since the tv is off, he is giving Sonny all of his attention. |
Saturday, June 17, 2000 | Grammy | Conner, Grammy misses you very much. I enjoyed my visit with you and Mommy and Daddy. Hope you have a very nice Father's Day tomorrow. Give Daddy a big kiss and hug! He and Mommy love you so much. I'm here in Columbia with Uncle Harry and Uncle Billy and Drew and Lauren. We will be at the golf course tomorrow where your great grandfather died in 1967. He is in heaven now, watching over all of us. Kisses to you, baby, Love, Grammy |
Friday, June 16, 2000 | Grammy | I have been visiting with Conner this week and enjoying his smiles and gurgles. Lauren is so good with him. She entertains him and loves him very much. I hate to leave, but must go on my way. I wish I could take him along on "The Nonadventures of Bad Little Sandee". |
Thursday, June 15, 2000 | Mommy | Conner went to a new doctor yesterday. He was very nice and is going to help Conner be as comfortable as possible. We celebrated his 11 month birthday and Grandmommy Connie's birthday last night. MaMa, Cousin Caris, Cousin Lauren, Grammy, Uncle Daniel, Uncle Jim, Aunt Julie, Baby Jim, Grandaddy, Daddy and Mommy were all there. Conner is still feeling a little bad from his mysterious infection but his temperature is managing to stay down. All he wants to do right now is watch his videos, and he wants everyone to be quiet and get out of his way. |
Thursday, June 15, 2000 | Cousin Lauren | I love Conner very very very very very much! I always sit in my room when theres nothing to do,and when I sit in my room I just think of Conner |
Tuesday, June 13, 2000 | Uncle Daniel | Hello Conner, You were very happy today when I saw you.You
paid attention to me while I loved on you. I hope you have a happy 1
YEAR birthday, it will be very special because your whole family loves
you. Uncle Daniel |
Tuesday, June 13, 2000 | Mommy | Conner spent the day at Grandmommy Connie's today. He watched A Bug's Life, got a check up by the nurse and went to sleep! Big Day! Mommy is gettinga break this evening while Conner visits with his loving grandparents. Daddy is actually making dinner for mommy, believe it or not. Happy 11 month birthday Conner!!!! |
Tuesday, June 13, 2000 | Grammy | Happy Birthday to you...11 months today! I wish I were
there, but I may surprise you and be there (with your cousin Lauren)
very soon. I'm sure your day will be special, because you have lots of
special people there to love and spoil you. Kisses from afar xxxxooooxxxoooxxxooo Love, Grammy |
Monday, June 12, 2000 | Uncle Daniel | Hello Baby Conner. You are such a pretty baby. You are growing at an astonishing rate! You are very happy for a baby with a fascist mother. But I don't mind because I love you. |
Monday, June 12, 2000 | Mommy | Conner got back from hospital yesterday. He is feeling much better since his fever is gone. This week will be filled with doctors' appointments and follow-up stuff. In between though, we'll celebrate Conner's Grandmommy's birthday and go swimming and watch movies and play, play, play! |
Monday, June 12, 2000 | Good Morning, Conner! | June 12,2000- I know you and Mommy aren't up's early...but Grammy is writing to you to wish you a happy and healthy day, full of smiles, veggie tales, and lots of kisses! Today is cousin Drew's first birthday. He got to hear you tell him "Happy Birthday" (hrrrrmpzt) on the phone yesterday...wish you had been there. Love you my angel - Grammy |
Wednesday, June 07, 2000 | June 7, 2000 | Conner went swimming today in his hot tub. Conner watched movies ALL day long! He kept mommy up all night so mommy rested while Conner watched Toy Story and A Bug's Life. |