My Photo Album


Newborn.jpg (35395 bytes)

Family.jpg (82279 bytes)

Blue.jpg (54071 bytes)

Dec 17, 1997

Our New Family

April '98

Sunset.jpg (55353 bytes)

Yellow.jpg (49117 bytes)

Cutiepie.jpg (97332 bytes)

Summer Sunset with Dad and Matthew

We're tired

A Mother's Day Picnic in Golden

Chatting.jpg (69913 bytes)

2bigboys.jpg (70206 bytes)

jack&noah.JPG (53521 bytes)

Chatting with Ethan

Brothers are great!

Jack and Noah - Best Friends
On Earth and in Heaven

Sweetboy.jpg (70279 bytes)

Hi.jpg (81756 bytes)

Tree.jpg (26938 bytes)

Don't Worry

Be Happy!

Jack's Angel Tree from Granny
Christmas '98


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