Nathan Lee Barnett...what a beautiful name that is. It
sounds like music to
my ears!!! I found out I was carrying Nathan on February 18, 1998...how scared
and excited I was. Nathan was not a planned pregnancy but some of the best
things in life are not planned. I had a very normal pregnancy with all the
typical things that women go through. I was at my happiest and I couldn't wait for
the baby to get here. On March 17th I heard the heartbeat for the first time and on
March 18th I had my ultrasound done and found out it was a boy...I was so excited
not only was I just having a baby but a boy!!! My husband and I began to look at
baby names and he came across the name Nathan and we knew it was perfect but little did we
know how perfect it was. The meaning of the name Nathan is "Gift of
God"...and I knew he was a gift of God even before he was born. At
this point I really didn't have to much longer to go since I didn't find out
I was expecting until late in the pregnancy(I won't go into that reason). My
due date was July 24 but Nathan decided he wanted to make his appearance on July 17, and I
was ready to meet the beautiful baby I had already come to know and love.

The First Few Months....
From the moment Nathan was born my life changed...I couldn't love
anything more dearly. I wanted to spend every moment I could just looking at the
miracle of him. Nathan joined my husband Brian and his mommy Amy at 6:09 pm. by
c-section. He was a healthy boy...7 lbs. 13 oz. and 19 1/2" long. He
scored well on all his tests and was beautiful to look at. I wanted him in my room
all the time so the nurses would take him to the nursery and them bring him right back so
I could just hold him..I don't think I slept more that a few hours at a time in the
hospital...I didn't want to miss a thing. Nathan seemed to be doing fine and we were
released on Monday July 20...he was jaundiced but other than that things seemed to be
fine. Things seemed to be going fine and Nathan and I began to adjust to
each other. Never was there a more loved baby, my parents thought the sun rose
and set on Nathan. It was certain he never lacked attention. I held him as
much as I could just marveling at the miracle of him. Little did I realize what was
just around the corner for us...and I thank God I didn't know and was able to enjoy
him. If I would think back I think I could see some signs that there was something
wrong but it was my first baby and I just thought he was a little lazy. Who
wouldn't be lazy if they were held all the time? I didn't really see the changes
that began to happen over the course of a few weeks time but looking back I can see things
now that I didn't realize then. First it was the nursing, it always took Nathan a
long time to nurse but I though since he was gaining weight things were going fine.
By the end of September he was almost exclusively on formula but he had thrush in his
mouth so I attributed his lack of nursing to that. He began to pull away more
and more and so I had to quit nursing. I started off with
the bottles that mimic nursing but before to long he couldn't suck on those as well so I
had to go with the easiest nipple I could find but once again I
attributed it to laziness...nothing was wrong with my baby.
At his checkups Nathan's doctor seemed to be concerned with his
ability to move and his floppiness so he ordered some blood tests to rule out various
things. They all came back negative so I wasn't concerned. In October Nathan
got a cold and he seemed to be fighting it ok but he couldn't seem to shake it. I
took him to see the doctor again and he tried antibiotics but it just wouldn't knock
it. On October 19 I took him in again and the doctor and this time he was very
concerned over over his lack of mobility so he wanted us to see a Neurologist.
He gave me the number and I set up an appointment for Wednesday October 21. My
mother, Nathan's Nonie, went with me and we were not really to concerned. We thought
we were going to hear something like Nathan is just a little slower than other children
and that would be ok. Little did we know what was just around the corner....

The Diagnosis....
From the moment we walked into the examination room I was
uncomfortable. The Neurologist had me undress Nathan and lay him on the
table. She began to check his reflexes, talk to him, look into his eyes, and
look at his tongue. It was only a few minutes and she handed him back to me and told
me he would never be able to crawl, walk, eventually he would be on a machine that would
breath for him, and chances are he would not live to see his second birthday. By
this time I was crying and looking at this baby in my arms smiling at me looking so
very healthy and happy with only a cold. She told me he would be prone to
respiratory illness and would need to see a whole round of doctors. The disease she
was telling me was Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 1, a form of muscular dystrophy.
What was this I had never even heard of this before..and by this time I couldn't even
think straight all I knew is I had to get out of there. My mom took Nathan out to
the waiting room and the doctor left me in the room while she went to get me a list of
things I needed to do such as get an MRI and a blood
test. I sat in that room tears streaming from my eyes and wondering what
was happening to me...why me God?
We took Nathan to Kosair Children's Hospital that afternoon to have
the blood test done and then left to go home. I was greeted by my husband who
just held me and Nathan and cried with us. From that afternoon my life had been
turned upside down but I wasn't going to let this happen. My son didn't have
this...I would prove the Neurologist wrong. Brian and I decided we were not going to
get any more tests done until we got the blood test results back, we didn't want to put
Nathan through anything more at that time. Brian and I began to look for the
miracles...if Nathan would move his arms a little more we would get excited and praise him
like he was doing a headstand. It was God who kept us sane in that trying
time. The first week of November Nathan's cold seemed to get worse and he began
having trouble breathing and I was trying everything I could to make it
easier for him. We still had no results from the test but we just kept praying they
would be negative. Wednesday November 4th Nathan was having a really hard time
breathing so I tried to make him as comfortable as I could and we all went to bed.
Nathan was sleeping on my pillow with me and I could hear how hard it was for him to
breath...then he seemed to stop breathing. I jumped up and ran into the bathroom
with him and tried to help him with steam from the shower but it wasn't helping he began
to turn blue. I ran out and woke Brian up and we rushed him to the hospital.
There we were in looking at our baby in the Emergency Room with nurses running all around
him trying to find a vein for an IV and with the little oxygen tube sticking out from his
nose and thought how sad this was and how scary for a little baby. All I could do
was just keep rubbing his hands and kissing his feet and telling him I loved him so
much. Nathan seemed to be more comfortable and he had lost that grayish look and had
more color. The x-ray showed he had pneumonia and so they showed us to our
room. Nathan had never slept apart from me but here he was sleeping in a crib with
an oxygen tent over him. My mom came and stayed with me for the rest of
the week we were in the hospital. Nathan seemed to be getting better and he
could get out of the oxygen tent more and more so finally his x-ray showed his lungs had
cleared up and we were released from the hospital on Saturday. Nathan was so excited
to get back home to all his comfortable things but it didn't last long. Before to
long his breath became labored again and it was getting hard for him to breath.
Finally after watching this we decided to get him to the hospital once again. We
took him to Kosair Children's Hospital, they took him immediately into the ER and began to
work on him. They wouldn't let me go back with him so we sat out in the waiting
room. The doctor informed us that his lungs were so full of secretions that it was
pushing his heart out of place. They got him stable and let me go back to see him
before they took him upstairs. I looked at all the wires and things in him. He
had a tube down his throat and one down his nose and an IV in his head...I just kissed him
anywhere I could. They took him up to the CCU and let me and my mom go in and that
is were we lived for the next few days. They began to bring him off the ventilator
little by little and were getting his lungs cleared out. The Neurologist would come
each day to check on him but still we had not gotten the test results back. On that
Wednesday November 11 they decided it was time to get him off the ventilator.
We began to pray for strength for Nathan....they took him off that afternoon
and right after they took him off we got the results from the blood
test...positive for SMA. I couldn't stand it...I had to run but I couldn't leave
Nathan now....Brian could only hold me. Nathan didn't seem to be doing very well off
of it so it was time to make some decisions...one we didn't want to have to make.
How can you make that decision? I looked at Brian and we knew what we had to
do. I couldn't believe this was happening but it was and it was the hardest thing we
have ever done. We called all the family so they could hold Nathan for the last time
on this earth. A lot of tears were shed but Nathan just took it all in, he was
getting tired. The doctors told us it would only be a few hours but Nathan just kept
on fighting and I think God was giving him the strength to fight so we could have one more
night together, one more night for Nathan to sleep peacefully in my arms. He went
from mommy's arms to daddy's arms, then back to mommy's arms again. I sat and looked
at Nathan as if trying to absorb everything I could, his smile, his smell, his features,
and just his beauty. The doctor would give him morphine to make him comfortable but
we gave him plenty of love that night.
Brian and I told him how much we loved him and would miss him but that we understood he
needed to go. On Thursday morning the sun was shining
brightly, and at about 8:20 Nathan looked up at him mommy and daddy, smiled faintly, and
breathed his last. He went from his mommy's arms straight into the arms of
Jesus. He is pain free, laughing, crawling, running, and doing all the things he
wouldn't have had the chance to do here on this earth and one sweet day I will join

I will not tell you things have been wonderful, there have been many
tears shed and my heart has been broken a thousand times over but I know where he is right
now...singing with the angels. His face is just as sweet and I carry Nathan in my
heart...not a day goes by that I don't think of him, or smile at the memory of him and how
much he means to me. I love him just as much now as I did....he is my sweet baby
boy. My life will never be the same but I do find joy in things that I never did
before...the smell of the flowers in the spring. A simple sunset, and I thank God
each and every day for the miracle of life, the ability to get up and be able to do what I
want. Life is a gift...just like Nathan.
I love you Nathan....
