October 2000-(Yes, I know this was taken a long time ago, but it is one of my favorite photos and one of our favorite days, so I am keeping this here for a while longer! Mom) I am the one wearing the red shirt. MJ is next to me holding my hand! Mom is leaning on my chair and dad is to my right. Aunt Chris is hiding between Mom and Dad. MJ's Dad is behind her in black and Jerry (the real Jerry!) is next to him. Brenda, MJ's friend and caregiver is kneeling down. What a fantastic time we all had that day!
This is my chance to tell you about my son. Casey has a condition called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He has type 1, which is the most severe form. It is also called Werdnig-Hoffman disease. Casey is a funny, smart, loving little boy! We are very proud of him!
Please make sure to visit all of Casey's pages to learn more about his extraordinary life.
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