January 23, 1999 to January 23, 2000...I am a major
big boy now
Valentine's Day '99 was a lot of fun. I got lots of presents from my family
and my nurses. I also got lots of cards! I was so excited that I
wouldn't take a nap!
Mom accidentally pulled out my g-tube (2/22/99). She got all upset, but it
didn't bother me. Daddy put a new one back in pretty easily. I ended up
getting to
watch TV longer while they fussed with my belly, instead of having to go up for my
Guess what?! I finally got my new, bigger "bed". It's been a
long time
coming. My legs are getting so long that they had reached the end of the old
bed. Now I have plenty of room to grow. Mama can get me in a whole
lot easier, too; she doesn't have to fold me in half to get me in! I'll show
you a picture of my new bed soon. You can see me in my old one if you visit
my 2nd Year Photo Page.
I went sledding! (March 13, 1999) Daddy ran real fast and pulled
me. Of course, Mommy had the video camera out, and she took some
regular pictures, too. I can't wait until I can do it again!
I've been through some major changes these past couple of weeks.
On March 22, I was rushed to the hospital again because I couldn't breathe.
Thank God Daddy was home! He was able to get air into me all the way
to the hospital! Then they had to put a tube down my throat to help me. It
was very hard for them to get it in. The next day, in the PICU, my tube
out by mistake. What a mess! Mom and Dad decided right then to get me an
operation called a tracheotomy. They did it on March 25th. Now I have a
different machine to help me breathe. It's hooked up to a hole in my neck.
I take my own breaths and the machine helps me expand my lungs all the
way. Now I don't need to use oxygen anymore! There's more to tell, but
that is the gist of it. We spent 10 days in the PICU but now we're home!
We'll tell you more as soon as we get more settled.
I've gone outside in my stroller a couple of times this spring. I didn't like
it too much.
It is very bright outside, even with my sunglasses! I hope I get used to
it soon!
I went outside and I liked it! Mom was there, and Aunt Chris, and
my nurse, Sue. I was in my stroller with my ventilator on. I had a hat on
to shield my eyes. After a while I was brave enough to open my eyes and
enjoy myself. The little (8-year-old) girl was outside and she came over to
see me. I love her blonde hair. I was fascinated when she played with her
baseball and bat. I am also fascinated by the birds, butterflies, and trees.
I get excited hearing all the outside noises and smelling the outside smells.
Let's see, about my being on a vent, it's definitely a different feeling
than my Negative Pressure Vent or Bipap, but it does feel good to me.
I can now take nice, full breaths. When I'm on the vent I don't need oxygen
anymore. There certainly is a lot of new equipment to get used to.
A couple of times a day I go on my mist collar. It has a mask that fits
over my trach. I get humidified oxygen through it. Doing this, I practice
off my vent. My doctors say this is good for me. I usually do great, but
sometimes I just don't want to deal with it.
8/16/99 I have been doing great with my mist collar. I use it when I take
my nap in the afternoon. That's how relaxed I am with it-most of the time.
My respirations are usually a bit higher, but I can breathe pretty evenly on it.
I also try to use an "artificial nose." It's a kind of filter that
goes onto
my trach with an oxygen mask fitting over it. I'm not crazy about it usually,
but Mom wants me to keep trying. When I get used to it we can go outside
without my whole vent set up. Yeah! 8/16/99 Some days I can be on my
"nose" for several hours-some days only a couple of minutes. I've got
and my nurses stumped on this one.
Mom and Dad are fun to watch while they putter around the back yard. They
do stuff in the garden, and Dad mows the lawn, and Mom waters her flowers.
I like to help water the marigolds that I planted from seeds all by myself (with
the help of my teacher, Jennifer).
Major event! June 6, 1999, I went for a ride in our van! It was
the first time since the fall of '97 that I went anywhere for fun. Two
nurses came over from the hospital who know a lot about car seats.
They found a convertible infant/toddler car seat that can recline enough that
I'm comfortable in it. I sat backwards with my nurse, Sue, on one side, and
Mom on the other. Dad was way up front driving. Mom took some video of
I stared out the window! We drove up to Lake Champlain and parked for a
I could smell the fresh lake water and the cool breeze. It was heavenly!
I love it when people blow bubbles for me. My speech teacher, Michelle,
is trying to fix one of my bubble blowers so that I can use it with my switch.
One of my next field trips I hope will be to my Aunt Chris' house.
She doesn't live too far away. I remember I used to like going there when
I was little. She has two big, hairy cats and a great ceiling fan that I loved
watch. Maybe soon, right, Dad??
It has been a wonderful summer so far. I've done so many fun things,
and best of all, I have been healthy!
Grandma and Grandpa Canosa came up from Florida. They rent a
camp on Lake Champlain. I've been there many times this summer. I ride in
car seat like a big boy! I also have a special harness that keeps me safe when I
am laying down on the seat. Sometimes it's hard for me to sit up for long
periods of time so I use the harness.
Oh, I did get to go on the field trip to my Aunt Chris' house. What a
blast! My nurses came, and everything! I stayed up until after midnight
because I was so excited!
On July 23rd we celebrated my HALFbirthday. We went up to camp.
Grandma and Grandpa O'Neill came up, too. Aunt Chris made me a cake.
I also got great presents. It was a fun, fun, night.
Aunt Chris let me borrow her CD-Walk man. I think it is the coolest thing.
I sit up in my throne (bath chair) and listen to music. My favorite CDs are:
Silly Songs, "Theme From Free Willy," and Kenny Rogers "She Rides Wild
I make humming noises and smile a lot when I have my music!
8/20 My cousins are visiting from NY. They are so much
I love for Caitlin to give me biiiggg hugs. Joey lets me wear his
Nike and NY Yankee baseball caps.
I had my first cold this September. I did pretty well with it. For
24 hours it was pretty yucky, but after that it was more manageable. I did go
to the hospital for a chest x-ray. They gave me antibiotics that helped a lot.
I kept happy the whole time I was sick!
Can you believe I got to go outside on November 1st! It was pretty
warm and beautiful out. Nurse Elizabeth and Mom brought me out in my
wheelchair. They pushed me up and down the driveway and all around the
backyard, too! What fun!
My room is decorated for Thanksgiving. Nurse Julie is the holiday decorator.
When she works at night, she puts up the decorations so I am surprised when I wake
up in the morning. I still have my pumpkin lights up from Halloween. I love
them so
much. Mom tried to find turkey lights but she couldn't find them anywhere, so
kept up the pumpkin ones for me. I love to look at them and hold onto them while
I'm in my bed getting ready for my nap or nighttime.
Click here for my Thanksgiving Page
Click here for my December updates and to see Our
Christmas Page
New Year's Eve was kind of fun. For days before, Aunt Chris kept telling me
"Happy New Year is coming soon." I really didn't remember it from last
year, but
it sounded like fun. It was a normal day that day. I took a nap. Mom
let me sleep
until 6PM. Then we went downstairs and watched TV. We saw lots of happy
events and lots of sad events that had happened in '99. It was fun watching New
Years in all the other countries. I couldn't believe it when Mom and Dad let me
stay up way past my bedtime. I wasn't sleepy at all. Mom, Dad, Aunt Chris
our nurse were struggling to stay awake, but not me! At midnight we watched the
ball drop in Times Square. I got to taste some gingerale. Everyone went to
soon after that. The next day I was off schedule, but no one cared, because it
a special time.
I guess the most exciting thing that happened this month so far was me going
to Aunt Chris' school on the day before her birthday, to surprise her! Mommy
one of her friends at the school where she works (she works at a middle school
teaching 6th graders in special education). We went on the day before her actual
birthday because some of her friends weren't going to be there the next day.
came home from work early, we packed the van and off we went! There were
some students waiting to greet us and to take some of my stuff to the teacher's
room where we were going to be. Mom, Dad and Nurse Elizabeth got me out
of my coat, hat, mittens, scarf and hood on a table in the textile arts room! One
of the teachers brought in a quilt for me to lay on. Then I got wheeled in my
to the party room where we got set up and waited. They had it all nicely fixed up
with table clothes, and flowers and all. Then, they couldn't find Aunt Chris!
they found her, and one of the teachers brought her down. She was so surprised!
I think everyone was teary for a minute. Then we all had fun and people ate and
she got her gifts. Lots of teachers came to see me. They had heard so much
me and seen so many pictures that they loved meeting me! I had a wonderful ride
home in the van. I "sang" for everyone the whole way home.
Can you believe that I am going to be 3-years-old soon? I'm kind of excited!
Nurse Julie decorated my room last nigh. This morning I was sure surprised!
Mommy and Nurse Sue picked me up and helped my play with the balloons that
are hanging over my bed. I got a whole bunch of cards in the mail. Mom is
me wait until the day before my birthday to open them.
are listening to "All I Have To Give" by
The Backstreet Boys
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