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- I love to be the center of attention.
- I squeal and coo and make all sorts of happy sounds!
- Free Willy is my favorite movie. I like Free Will 2 & 3, but the original is
my favorite.
- Flipper is a great movie also. I'm into movies that have whales and dolphins.
- One of my newest favorites is Zeus and Roxanne. It's about a dog and a dolphin.
There is a little too much people romance in it for me, but the parts with the dog
Zeus (dog) and Roxanne (dolphin) are worth suffering through all the rest! They do
some amazing tricks.
- If you have any favorite movies, I'd love for you to e-mail
me and tell me all about them.
- I love to watch Teletubbies
, Wimzie's House, Puzzle Place,Winnie the Pooh and
- One of my favorite times of day is 7:30 PM. I get to watch Rugrats with Dad, Mom,
Aunt Chris and my nurse. Saturdays are extra special because the new episodes come
on. I like Baby Dill. I also like Tommy and Chuckie.
- I love to take baths. I have two Free Willy toys to play with in the tub.
One is a squirting Orca whale that really looks a lot like Willy. The other is
really a wind up shark but we pretend it is Willy Junior. Sometimes the nurses don't
know how to play with my tub toys right. Then I give them the scrunchie face and
Aunt Chris shows them the right way to play.
- I love for people to read to me.
- My favorite book is Little Toot by Hardie Gramatky. It is about a little
tug boat who learns he's important even if he is just little.
- At night-time I love to hear Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown. I'll
bet that book is one of your favorites, too!
- Pop up books and sound story books are fun. My friend, Kyla, gave me the sound
story book to Annabelle's Wish. Right now it is my favorite.
- I really, really love when people sing to me.
- One of my favorite songs is Old MacDonald Had a Farm. It's fun to listen and watch
everyone while they make animal sounds.
- I think my mommy has a beautiful voice! She is the best
at making up silly words to different tunes. She can always make me smile.
- Oh, I have lots of nicknames such as: Pookie, Big Boy, Casey-Roo, & Rooster Boy. No
one seems to remember how Casey-Roo and Rooster Boy got started. That's okay, though, I
like them any way. Another nickname I have is "Spidey-Boy". I know
that I got that name because I have a pair of Spiderman pajamas that I love. I also
have a picture of Spiderman that hangs from the mobile over my bed that I love to look at.
- I used to be shy on the telephone. Now, if you call me up, I will "talk"
to you.
- Please visit Casey's Other Corner for more
about me!
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