Medical Terminology for common body parts

abdominal region between the thorax and pelvis
acromial point of the shoulder
antebrachial forearm
axillary armpit
brachial arm
buccal cheek
carpal wrist
celiac abdomen
cephalic head
cervical neck
costal ribs
coxal hip
crural leg
cubital elbow
digital finger
dorsum back
femoral thigh
frontal forehead
genital reproductive organs
gluteal buttocks
inguinal depressed area of the abdominal wall near the thigh (groin)
lumbar region of the lower back between the ribs and the pelvis (loin)
mammary breast
mental chin
nasal nose
occipital lower posterior region of the head
oral mouth
orbital eye cavity
otic ear
palmar palm of the hand
patellar front of the knee
pectoral chest
pedal foot
pelvic pelvis
perineal region between the anus and the external reproductive organs. (perineum)
plantar sole of the foot
popliteal area behind the knee
sacral posterior region between the hipbones
tarsal instep of the foot
umbilical navel
vertebral spinal column

Some medical and applied sciences:
Cardiology: Branch of medical science dealing with the heart and heart diseases.
Gastroenterology: Study of the stomach and intestines, as well as their diseases.
Histology: Study of the structure and function of tissues.
Immunology: The study of the body's resistance to disease.
Neurology: The study of the nervous system in health and disease.
Orthopedics: Branch of medicine dealing with the muscular and skeletal systems and their problems.
Pathology: Study of structural and functional changes within the body that disease causes.
Pediatrics: Branch of medicine dealing with children and their diseases.
Radiology: Study of x-rays and radioactive substances, as well as their uses in diagnosing and treating diseases.
Pulmonology: The study of lungs and the diseases involved.

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