My horse's troft!

This is how Mom fills the troft and then the picture on the bottom is how she drains it by ciphering it out. The wheels my Dad put on so Mom can roll me to where ever she wants to so she can always see me.

I am really getting comfortable on my back. Someday, I hope I will be able to swim backwards like this. I just need to learn how to be able to float, then I don't have to swim my arms and kick my feet too hard cause you know that would really tire me out.

Mommy really just lets me play and do whatever I want in my horse's troft. In the middle I am blowing bubbles with the water. I think that is so funny. And on the right is one of Mommy's ideas to help me be able to play and have even more fun.

Today I got to play with bubbles in my big tub. See me, I look like Santa Claus.

Look at me all kicked back. I can even play with my legs like this. I hold tight with my arms.

This is when I am showing off. But look at all these neat tricks I can do:

But don't let her fool you. She couldn't always do this. She has been in water for over a year now and she has worked very hard to be able to do what she can do today. It takes repetition, consistency, and persistence daily.

This by far is Crystal's most famous triumph. I have the pictures in sequence: 1. She lays down. 2. She walks with her arms toward the other end of the tub. 3. She gives a big tug. 4. And then she is upright again, all by herself.

Just hanging around.

Anthony was being a real big brother that day.

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