If
you
think
your
child
has
a
speech
problem!
Your
child's
speech
sounds
will
develop
as
he
grows.
baby
makes
early
vocalizations
around
two
or
three
months,
babbles
around
months
and
uses
jargon
from
about
months
to
months.
The
majority
of
sounds
a
3-year-old
makes
should
be
normal.
Although
he
may
not
use
all
sounds
correctly,
he
should
be
intelligible
to
strangers.
Summary
of
Speech
Sound
Development
-
Age
Consonants
-
m,
n,
ng,
p,
f,
h,
w
-
1/2
y
(as
in
yes)
-
k,
b,
d,
g,
r
-
1/2
s,
sh
(as
in
shoe),
ch
(as
in
chair)
-
t,
v,
l,
th,
(as
in
thin)
-
z,
zh
(measure),
th
(father),
j
(jump)
You
can
help
your
child
talk
clearer
by:
-
being
a
good
speech
model
for
your
child.
Don't
use
baby
talk
-
pronouncing
words
clearly,
slowly
and
correctly
for
your
child
to
hear
and
imitate
-
trying
to
look
at
your
child
when
you
both
are
talking
-
letting
the
child
watch
your
face,
lips
and
tongue
as
you
form
sounds
and
words
prolonging
the
speech
sound
the
child
has
difficulty
saying,
such
as
"where
is
your
sssock?"
-
repeating
new
words
and
sounds
over
and
over.
Use
them
often
in
your
conversation
with
the
child
-
making
a
scrapbook
with
the
child.
Cut
out
and
paste
pictures
of
objects
the
child
learns
to
say
or
recognize
-
praising
the
child
when
sounds
are
correct,
especially
if
the
sounds
were
previously
difficult
for
the
child
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