3 Year Pictures
Page 6

Look, It is Frankenclown

I got to meet Eden

Do you like my hat

Skating with MJ, Eden, Eden's dad, my mom

The hat that I made all by myself

Dancing with Brenda

Grandma got to come skating with us

Look at us go!  I love skating!

I love MJ's tubies, she let me have one.

Look who I got to hold

I Love Babies

Can I have one, Mommy?

Holding hands with Eden

Sitting on MJ's tray

Getting comfy laying on MJ's tray

Princess Emma, Scarecrow Chase, Tubie MJ, Mommy, and I, Frankenclown

Mommy is dancing a jig

Mom says she is looking serious


Grandma Sue and I

Look at these big pumpkins

Looking worn out

I need some pizza to get some energy back

Look at the cool light toy I got

Playing with MJ's tubies

Hanging out with Chase, doesn't he look handsome

Sad that it is time to go home

Click here to watch the video of my first time Roller Skating at the OKI FSMA Halloween Party


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