My Little Brother, Caleb

My first picture
Caleb = heart

Daddy is ready


Caleb Patrick Alexander

It is I, Baby Caleb

Leave me alone

Go away, I want to sleep

I gotta strrreeeettch

Stop all these tests

Excuse me, is this my life line

Ah, if someone would turn down the lights

5 lbs 12 ounces

Dawson is holding me

Doesn't Dawson look like me

Good morning everyone

Let me out of here, please

Eskimo kisses with daddy

Being held by mommy

Kisses from mommy

Me and my daddy

With grandma and mommy

Cuddles with my brother and sister

Enna loves me

Dad's first time feeding me at home

Happy Cuddles

Male bonding time


Need to grow into my clothes

Cuddles with Enna

Mom watching me sleep

Cuddles with Dawson

Aunt Stephanie and I

Hanging around

Where did everyone go?

I'm growing


Making faces like Enna used to

Falling asleep in my new swing

Mommy's sleeping angel

I'm so cute

Sleeping under cover

Being cheeky

Daddy and I

No more kisses, please

Say what?!?!

Daddy and I are tired out

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