My Brother, Dawson

Making a gingerbread house with a friend

We sure do love each other

I do love my sister

How can you not love us

Missing another tooth

I did not spill the paint, I think dad did it!

I think you are making it worse dad?

Don't worry, I am here to the rescue!

 Holding hands

Child life did our hand mold

Before casting our hands

We are TV hounds

Getting ready for the casting

Yeah Enna so happy for you!

Stepping off the unit for the first time in a stroller with her family and this time its not for PICU in a crib! Eight months Enna and we stepped out into the world again for the first time with your family, a nurse and a RT.

Family photo!

What a moment!

All us cousins together.

I love spending time with Enna

Shh, don't tell but we left PICU

Yeah!  Just us

What are we doing?

The men in Enna's life, we are her protectors

Enna, checking on me

We are Mom's heroes!!

Just chillin'

Enna thinks I am so funny she is always so happy whenever I'm around!
I'm the family jokester!!!

Just hoppin' around with my new slippers.
They are toadly awesome!

This is or was my fish, he didn't last long

My comfy spot in our house, Enna's new bedroom, I can't wait for her to come home.

Mommy's two favorite things,
me and my

Being silly with Enna

Getting ready to go home

Family photo in hospital

Relaxing at home

My serious look

I am so happy Enna is coming home

I got a new skateboard and my sister, Enna came home

I love my skateboard

Mom and I are so happy

Enna is home, I'm so happy

We love to cuddle!

Hot day today

My family...strong in every way

Ready for school

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