2 Year Photos Index
Part 1
Page 10


I love playdates!

See, I press this button and down it goes

I can't see when you stand right there...

I'm not too sure about this place

Quick Billy, let's go!

It's Mrs. Potts

Hey Belle, read me a story

Can I see the clock

She is pretty

I'll trade you Ariel!

Ariel is pretty and the lobster is funny

Are you OK, Snow White?

Who is sleeping in that huge bed?

Hey Billy, this is pretty cool, don't you think?

Look at the towers

Can I feed the tiger

Jasmine and Aladdin

Riding the Merry-Go-Round with daddy

Hanging out with Aidan

Styling in my new coat, I'm so cool

Standing tall

My new chair is here!

My captive audience is not looking

Auntie Kristen, I need a new toy!
