Kaylee's Guestbook!

  • May 2001-June 2003 Messages HERE
  • June 2003-March 2004 Messages HERE
  • Current Messages HERE

**Most recent messages are at the top**

Name: Liz and Kalair
Email: www.ourSMAangels.com/Kalair
Date: August 01, 2004
Time: 08:16 PM


Wow Kaylee, you've gotten so BIG...and you were always beautiful, but somehow you've managed to get even prettier! Kalair and I can't wait to see our "cousins" in just a couple of weeks. You and Kalair have both grown a LOT since the last time we saw you in person, we'll have to get pics of you two together. We just looked at your pics and video clips and Kalair says to tell you she likes the video of you swimming with your cousins and she hopes you will want to swim in South Carolina. Till then, have your mama give you a big (((HUG))) for us! Love, Liz and Kalair

Date: July 25, 2004
Time: 06:32 AM



Name: Jeanna Huette
Email: red542000@aol.com
Date: July 23, 2004
Time: 04:18 PM


Kaylee: You are a beautiful and special little girl.You have a special Mommy and thank you for sharing her with us.

Name: Asha
Date: July 20, 2004
Time: 11:58 AM


I was just browsing online and came across your site. Kaylee is a very cute kid, reminds me of my little sister a lot. Sorry to hear about what happened to her brothers. She truly must be your angel.

Name: Kristen Thompson
Email: daisygirl_613@hotmail.com
Date: May 19, 2004
Time: 04:54 PM


I am very sorry to hear about your brothers. I wish I could help in some way. If there is anything that I can do for your family please feel free to e-mail me at any time. I would help in any way I could.

Name: Daddy
Date: May 18, 2004
Time: 11:40 PM


Hey Peanut! You sure looked cute today in your grown up outfit! Thanks for always helping me outside and I love going out to lunch with you! Love you bunches! Daddy

Name: Kenya
Email: smamom2three@yahoo.com
Date: April 16, 2004
Time: 10:35 PM


Kaylee, I can not believe how beautiful you are getting. I already knew you were so I didnt think you could exceed that!! I loved the easter pictures. We didnt have much of an easter cause Richard and Arrayia were really sick, not to mention the rest of his family, so I was so busy taking care of sickies and Aschdon we didnt have too much fun but Aschdon did get to dye eggs. He used a sponge and did three eggs all by himself!! Tell your mom hi for me! hugs

Name: Aunt Cathy
Email: cherry6@comcast.net
Date: April 15, 2004
Time: 08:03 PM


Hi Kaylee! You sure are getting big!!! It looks like you had a fun Easter!! Did you get lots of candy and eggs? I think you are FUN and WONDERFUL and SPECIAL and I love your smile! :-) I love you!!!!! Aunt Cathy P.S. Tell Mommy I liked your Easter dress too!

Name: Kelly
Email: xLOloserKMx@hotmail.com
Date: April 06, 2004
Time: 10:49 AM


heyy.. i was just searching easter pictures on google and i came across kaylee's website. i just wanted to tell you i think she is a very cute and beautiful child. after looking at all the photos and watching the vidoes, i feel like i know her :P . anyways, thats all i wanted to say . From *Kelly*

Name: Mommy
Email: laura@our-sma-angels.com
Date: April 01, 2004
Time: 10:23 PM


Hi Sweetie, I am checking out your guestbook to make sure it's working again! Your Mommy LOVES you, beautiful. :)