My Family
Page 2


Me and Daddy in WA

My Daddy at work


Logan and Uncle Wayne in WA
at Uncle Wayne's fire station

Me and my Mommy going for a ride in the fire truck in WA

Me and Mommy doin what we do best, cuddling with each other.

I love my Mommy kisses

Me and Daddy play when I am supposed to be sleeping

Lacey Fire Department preparing for the
MDA Fill The Boot Campaign
(My Uncle Wayne works for them)

Uncle Wayne filling the boot!
Mommy says they raised $13,000+ in 2 days, that is a record!
 All of Jerry's Kids

My cousins and I sword fighting!

Cousin Kacia and Cousin Bailey in the new Logi wear

G2 and P2. Mommy's God parents!


You're Listening to:
"The Fireman"