Makalia  and SMA  type 2

Makalia was in my mind a late bloomer.  I had been told that she would walk when she was good and ready.  When Makalia didn't hit the milestones that my son hit, Brian and I decided that it was time to get an other doctor for Makalia.  After finding a different doctor he told us that he wanted us to go to Children's Hospital and see a Neurologist.  For the first time I was very worried about my baby.  She is the light of my life and I would have done anything to help her.  They ran all kinds of tests on her and told us that she would need to have a biopsy done to make sure that she did have SMA and get the type.  Then we were told that they could do a EMG test and after doing the test the doctor confirmed that Makalia had SMA.  They did one more blood test to type her. So we went home with all this information just a few days before Thanksgiving 2000.


Makalia Gets into the Cincinnati Enquirer

Some good news

Kings Island welcomes kids who have disabling conditions

Allen Howard

In a wheelchair, pushed by her mom, Makalia Brown, 4, was able to mix with more than 3,000 other kids and moms from Cincinnati, Dayton and Columbus during the Adventures for Wish Kids outing Wednesday at Paramount's Kings Island.

"I liked the ride on the carousel and the Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle," she said.

Paramount's Kings Island donated 4,000 tickets, valued at $171,960 for the kids who suffer from life-threatening illnesses.

Makalia, daughter of Stephanie and Brian Brown of North Bend, is partially paralyzed, suffering from a muscular disorder.

The children enjoyed the rides and had lunch with Nickelodeon characters, as well as Ronald McDonald.

Each Wish Kid received a T-shirt and "Scooby Bucks" to spend during the day at the park.

Adventures for Wish Kids is a not-for-profit organization. It provides year-round activities for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

For more information about the group, call 800-543-9735.



Makalia Pictured her on 4th Birthday !!!

  Makalia as the flowergirl in our friends wedding !!!!
                                                        I really love Pooh Bear.  


  This is a picture of me and my new electric wheelchair. It is called a Koala.  Now I will be able to run around like my friends!!!  I am soooooo happy!!!

A Day in the Life of Makalia

After getting full on her night time feed Makalia wakes up early so she can make sure she says bye to Daddy and then she asks to watch her favorite shows on Nick Jr.  She will than ask to have a couple of toys to play with.  "It's time to get dressed Mrs. Hoar  is going to be here soon to take you to school."

 "Here comes the bus!"                 

"Time to play!"









Just me and my cat !!
Makalia and Daddy Makalia and Ronald
I Love My Daddy