Brace helps Matthew play, eat and do his school work.
He tires much faster if not using his brace due to lack
of muscle. He will fall over and slouch if not
wearing. Matthew has worn a back brace since he was 1
yrs old. He knows it helps him a great deal and will ask
to wear it. He has had about 12 made.
The making of his brace: 7:30
am we arrive for all castings. Matthew is placed on
a small strap that is attached to a special
table. Matthew has several hands holding him in place.
A chin strap is cinched tight
to keep him aligned. Matthew is stretched from head to
toe and is holding very still.
The plaster gauze
is wrapped around Matthews Torso by Marvin from
Valley Orthopedic.
There is a previous x-ray
so he can judge how to make the brace.
After the mold has dried and
hardened, Matt is pushed off to x-ray to double check
the casting.
Matthew get his brace cut off
and the mold is finished. It is sent off with Marvin
for the final product. It is made from a soft foam
material, He cuts, trims and sews the brace together and
adds Velcro straps and gets the fit just right every
Thank you Marvin for 9 great
yrs and 12 awesome fitting back braces!!!
and Thank you to Matthews
Doctor, Dr Osebold at Shriners Hospital.
He prefers to be in the
casting room unlike other doctors.. He is there to
give support to Matthew and a helping hand and
advice. The assistant is always very helpful and
caring and is very respectful also.