Peggy's Page


March 22, 2008
Aunt Peggy came to visit Casey
and Colin for Easter 2008. She brought her dolls. Casey
only tolerates the dolls, so Aunt Peggy brought him the BAD
DOLLS. He got the black bunny and the bad baby doll, and I think
he enjoys their antics. Colin gets the pretty soft fluffy nice
dolls. He enjoys things that are nice. We watched The
Easter Bunny is Coming To Town and Here Comes Peter Cottontail together.

March 27, 2007
From Aunt Peggy's Blog:
My nephew Colin visited me
today. He is 5, and can't move because he has a disease called SMA. I
don't know exactly why, but his muscles never developed. He can't sit
up or walk. He has a machine to help him breathe and he has to eat
through a tube and he can't swallow and his saliva has to be
suctioned. He is indescribably adorable. He reminds me of my brother
and when I look at him I remember how kind my brother was to me when I
was a very little girl. Colin cannot talk very well. He tries very
hard and makes a lot of sounds that if you listened to enough would
understand are all words. He is very smart and he can make animal
sounds with his sweet little sing-song voice. He's very particular
about what he likes and doesn't like.
I love him sooooo much and today I felt so sad about all the things
that I can't do with him and his older brother, Casey, who also has
SMA. I am missing the times we could have had, the sleepovers and fun
crafts we would do together, go-cart riding and kite flying, and
fishing and camping and all the "real Aunt stuff" I would be
able to do now that I have the inclination.
I don't talk about this much, this regret, because Colin and Casey's
lives are so full, and there is no point in being sad about a life
that they can't have. I appreciate the life they do have and know I
should focus on what time I can spend with them. But days like today,
when I was walking around with him in the store and watching him look
at all the things on the shelves, I wondered what he was thinking. Did
he want to pick up a toy and say "Can I have this Aunt
It broke my heart.
July 4, 2007
Another visit from Aunt Peggy
Casey usually does not like to
have his picture taken. The light hurts his eyes. I took
this picture without him knowing, so that is why his eyes are
open! Colin looks so much like my brother here!

October 20, 2006
Aunt Peggy spent her birthday with us this year. Here they are getting ready to make a
wish and blow out the candles!

June 2005: (L-R) Tyler, Peggy & RJ
Aunt Peggy is Casey and
Colin's Aunt. She is their Daddy's youngest sister. She
lives in Wilder, Vermont with Uncle Steve, Cousin R.J. and Cousin
