Fred Molecule
AKA Casey O'Neill

I got my office in August of
2007. It's upstairs and near our core classrooms. It's a
place I can go to rest and take a break and do work and get away if
things get too crazy.
Oh, by the way, I go my
name Professor Fred Molecule from my Communication Facilitator,
Kathy. I'll tell you the story some day.

Then, in January of 2008,
my room got repainted! I got to choose between blue, green or
biscuit. Biscuit sounded good until I saw it in person, so I
picked BLUE.

You can see a little bit of
how it's decorated now. I have rain gutter book shelves.
Kathy's husband made me the wooden Professor Fred Molecule

Here I am with my Aunt
Julia on my birthday. Mom and Aunt Julia picked me up early so
we could go to the movies. I'm wearing my special birthday
to Casey's Stuff
