What Casey

I am 5 years old. These are some
of my favorite things. Maybe you could email me and tell me some of your
favorite things!

KINDERGARTEN! I could go every
Watching sports!
Especially contact sports like
football and ice hockey,
Baseball, basketball, swimming,
gymnastics, ice skating, all the Winter Olympic events
Monster trucks
Robot Wars
Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Who Wants
to be a Millionaire
All the pop songs and singers,
especially 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, Brittney Spears, Aaron Carter
Going to pre-school...In September I
will be going to Kindergarten!
Swinging in my special swing, or
swinging on Mommy's swing, or swinging in a blanket, or swinging in someone's arms
Spinning in my wheelchair
Taking tub baths
Having my brother hold my hand
Playing Candy Land on the computer
Playing my adapted computer games
using my switch
Staying up late with Daddy, especially
when Mommy tells us not to stay up late and we do anyway!
Cruising up and down the driveway in
my wheelchair, really fast!
I love all books. I have some
favorites since I was little but I like big boy books like chapter books now
Riding in my van, either on the bench
seat or in my chair
Things I'm not crazy about...
Talking on the phone
Doing arts and crafts (I've done so
much in my life that it drives me nuts to do a project that takes too much time)
The sun in my eyes
Putting on my sneakers (sometimes) and
getting my hair spritzed (with water)
