Happy 4th Birthday to me |

Debbie, Mami, Blue
(and Brian in moms belly) |

All dressed up to celebrate |

I'm ready to party |

I am the birthday boy |

Bring on the fun |

Sitting with Dad |

Look at my cake |

It's a Blue's Party |

Let's start |

Who is going to help me cut the cake |

Are you going to help? |

Cheese |

It's okay, it is my buddy Blue |

Everyone Loves Blue |

Hey Blue |

Blue is patting dad's head |

Blue says, "Go Giants!" |

Evelyn |

Lil Justin Timberlake |

Me, Mami, & Papi (and Blue, of course) |
Me, Sarah, & Carol (TR) |

My #1 Nurse, Cindy |

My Auntie & Cousin |

My Buddy Joel |

My CNA Diana |

My Daddy |
My Girlfriend Debbie
(Shhh, don't tell anyone) |

My TR Therapist, Sarah |

Nurse Kelly |

That's Blue |

That's me, I'm 4 |

I love Blue |

Look at all my gifts |

Spiderman! |

New clothes |

Anyone want to go fishing? |

Who put these bows on my forehead? |

Go Diego Go |

I remember... |