Treyton meets me for the first time |

Daddy, Treyton, & Mommy |

Mommy and us |

Feeding me |

I think he likes me |

Proud big brother |

Hugs |

They were all so excited to meet me |

Love |

Hanging out |

Treyton visiting me in the hospital |

Kisses for Mommy |

We missed each other |

I love when Treyton holds me |

My best buddy Treyton |

My family is all together again |

Treyton and I love to snuggle |

Thomas the Train Treyton |

Snuggling under our Hawkeye blanket |

Cheesing with Treyton |

Holding hands |

Getting ready for Christmas |

Riding the firetruck |

Treyton loves the firetruck |

Reading a story |

Our Christmas family picture |

Posing for the camera |

Happy Valentine's Day |

Showing some loving |