Playing with my cars AGAIN but this
time I am in my stander- ISN'T IT COOL????
 Playing with my Barney laptop in my
Kid Kart
When I got my new TLSO, Curious George had to start wearing my old one
My cool sling that I got to exercise in from the Swanson Twins
This is me all ready for bed- With my bi-pap and my hand splints
More bedtime stuff- Hip helpers, AFO's, Knee immobilizers, and hand splints
My hand splints
Trying out my new animal markers with bigger grips in my stander
Relaxing while leaving UMDNJ after my tendon release surgery
This is my favorite doctor!!!! Dr. Bach from UMDNJ in Newark, NJ
This is Dr. Sabharwal who did the tendon release surgery
Using my power chair with my new mini- joystick
Pap had to make me a bumper because I kept tearing up walls- Nobody else thinks it is funny!!!!!