Name: messina mcgraw CommentsDear Laura and Steve, I just wanted you to know that i have known about your web site for Devon and i never read it because i never really got onto the computer much. Today myself and my children went to fly at Glendale for SMA. Laura you are a awesome women and my respect for you is so strong that i am truly proud to have met you and kaylee. We just welcomed our little girl into this world in August and as I hold her my heart aches because you were cut short with time with your sons. But in the next breath I think how lucky these two little boys were to have you both as there parents. I truly believe that Devon and Sidney are alive in Kaylee. The sparkle in her eyes and smile in her face comes from your little boys. You babies are alive and well and the Lord has always had his arms around them. I think what you are doing with this web site is truly the most touching story that I have ever read and your dedication to Devon and Sidney are a true testament that the Lord above is watching over your family and that you all are truely blessed. Love Messina Name: Sandi Potempa CommentsLaura, This is the 1st time I seen your web-sites. I was clicking on some of the links MJ had on her site. All 3 web-sites are great & your details are so informative. You had me crying many times. I know your boys will always be in your heart & your daughter is so beautiful too. After reading your stories I told my sister someone should write a book with facts on SMA & different families stories to help & share with other families. She told me you are already working on doing that. That is so AWESOME! Lots of hugs. Name: marcy CommentsLast year my baby boy died from poliquistics kidney disease, and I know that kind of pain, because my baby also died in my arms in intensive care at 1 week old. I send you all my love, and my prayers; remember God loves children. Name: Suzanne, Erinne & Latte CommentsThinkin' about you today, Devon.....I know you are having one heckova grand time in Heaven, but we miss you here. Let Momma and Daddy and Kaylee know you are happy, and still nearby. This world is a better place, Dev, because of YOU!!! XOXOX Suzanne, Erinne & Latte Name: Sallie Capen CommentsWow Devon, your guest book sure got bombed with junk! Mommy and Daddy are probably busy taking this kind of stuff off of all those other kid's web pages here on Our SMA Angels web site. They take such good care of all your friends. I just wanted to let them know that I am thinking about them. I know this day will always be hard for them. They miss you so. Help them feel you close today and everyday. Love, Grandma Sallie Name: Erinne & Suzanne Williams CommentsHappy Birthday, to my birthday buddy, Devon! I hope you had a fun day today. I enjoyed the sunshine you sent to me. After 7 days of rain, I appreciated the sun! I was tired of being stuck inside. We sent you some yellow smiley balloons .... did you see them? We can't ever celebrate my birthday without celebrating yours too. You'll always be my birthday buddy. Love & hugs, Erinne and my Mom XOXOXO Name: Liz, Tim, Kalair and Arturo CommentsHappy eighth birthday, sweet angel Devon! Laura, Steve, and Kaylee, we are thinking of you and your boys extra today and celebrating the day Devon was born... Devon, we enjoyed visiting you through your website just now and looking at all your handsome pictures again. Thank you, for all your angel work, especially for helping your mommy to help so many other little angels on earth. We know you are having a wonderful, heavenly birthday. Say hello to Malia for us...Arturo is blowing kisses to you both! Name: Heather CommentsHi Laura, Steve & Kaylee, Just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you on Devon's birthday. My family and I did an SMA walk in Connecticut a couple of weeks ago, and there was a picture of Devon on one of the sponsor signs. What it says on his memorial is true - he will always be "never forgotten" and "surrounded by love." Love, Heather Name: Margaret "MJ" Purk CommentsDevon.. Tomorrow is your birthday! I know I don't have to tell you to make sure you visit your mommy. I saw a bird the other day on our porch, was it you? I think about you all the time and I wish I would have got to meet you. Your mommy and daddy do so much good for SMA and it's all because of you and your little brother. Happy birthday in heaven, Devon! MJ Name: mandy CommentsWow what a site!!! you did your baby such justice! Don't feel after all this time people don't read your site! You have inspired me to not take my kids for granted! i cant imagine what you have and what you are going through. I do know you have a lot of faith and God is the way of life. He will be there no matter what and Devon is also there every day!!!!! There are kids out there being abused and their parents could care less and you wonder why they could even have kids then you have wonderful parents like yourself and you have to face a tragedy. We are supposed to learn form the tragedy, and i always wonder what that may be. Your love still shows and it has been years later. You're a remarkable person. I look forward to reading your updates!!!! GOD BE WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!! Name: Heather CommentsDevon, I wish you were here... I wish I could know you and your little personality. I know your sister, but I know that you would be different (all kids are, even in the same family! do I hear an amen?!) :) I know your mommy misses you a LOT. You're a very loved little boy. Name: Jamie Leigh Smith CommentsI've been thinking about you Devon and your family. Your life story has touched my life and I'm thankful. I'm reminded that everyday is a gift from God and not to take our family and friends for granted. Sending loving thoughts your way and prayers over your family. In Christ, Jamie Leigh Name: Dawn Daws CommentsDevon, You have an AMAZING family! I loved looking at all your pictures and seeing a beautiful, happy, wonderful little boy. You have touched my heart. Your mom is an amazing lady who has helped so many families and I know that you are with her everyday inspiring her. Although your time on earth was short, your spirit will live forever in the hearts of all who knew you! Someday we will see you again, running, jumping, chasing butterflies! I can't wait until that day! Dawn Daws (Mommy to Casey Type 1) Name: mom kelsey Commentsi just read your diary. wonderful. at the time you wrote the piece of 29th november: that's the day my son kelsey passed away... strange... you have beautiful children. and is is true: these angels and their eyes... it's something special, for us a mistery... but those eyes have learned us so many things and they made us the people that we are now... changed in every way... Name: mom kelsey Commentshello! your angel devon is a beautiful boy! my son passed away last tuesday, also sma type 1. he was very strong, kind, a real sunshine to us. i think our angels are still with us. don't you think? hugs from cindy, kris, damy, joni from belgium. Name: NICOLA HUNPHREYS CommentsMY SON HARLEY DIED OF SMA TYPE 1 ON AUGUST 24TH 2005 JUST GONE. DEVON'S STORY TOUCHED OUR HEARTS INSTANTLY, AS WE KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL. HARLEY WAS DIAGNOSED AT ONLY 5 WEEKS OLD, THE DOCTORS SAID HE WOULD PROBABLY ONLY MAKE IT TO 4 OR 5 MONTHS OLD BUT HE PASSED AWAY IN HIS DADDY'S ARMS AT ONLY 10 WEEKS OLD. I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND BUT WE LOVED YOUR SONG FOR DEVON 'I PROMISE' SO MUCH THAT WE HAD IT PLAYED AT HARLEYS FUNERAL. I KNOW IT DOESN'T REALLY GET ANY EASIER, BUT ITS NICE TO READ OTHER STORIES AS WE ARE NOT THE ONLY PARENTS GOING THROUGH THIS. Name: sherrie kyra Van-Steen CommentsDevon's story was very moving, as a year 12 student doing exploring early child hood we had to pick a special need or disability, once i read Devons story i decided right away i would do it on SMA. i have also submitted Devon's story for my class to hear about, hopefully it will move them as much as it did me. my prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family. thank you for sharing Devon's story with the world and giving year 12 students in Australia to have the chance at reading it. Sherrie Kyra Van-Steen Name: Mommy CommentsHi Sweetie, Your guestbook has been down for a few months but I think I got it working again. Your sister is almost 5 years old now, and I can't imagine you as the big almost 8-year-old boy that you would be. I miss you, and I love you, always and forever. Name: cori CommentsMay God hold you and your family tight. Devon's story has a grip on my heart. People do care and still come to check on you guys. :) Name: Sue O'Neill CommentsHey Devon! Today is your Angel Day. I can only imagine the feelings that your mommy and daddy and little sister have today. I don't think I ever told your mommy this, but she gave me a picture of you and I put it in a frame that has blue sky and clouds all over it. One one side is a guardian angel, and on the other side is your picture. It sits on my dresser where I see it many times a day. I say prayers for you and your family every time I see it. You will never be forgotten. Love from, Sue (and Casey and Colin and Gene, too). Name: Karen Hedtkamp CommentsYes, people do still read these pages. I came across your site after visiting Cole Webb's site, my neighbor's little boy who died of SMA this past November. I was once again reminded how blessed I am to have two healthy children. God Bless you and your family - your little angel is still touching people's lives 6 years later. -Karen, High Ridge, Missouri Name: Anita CommentsI'd been thinking about you a lot lately Devon! Between your recent birthday (and Karissa's) and the anniversary of your going to heaven coming up, I just wanted to look at your pictures again. Hugs to your Mommy, Daddy and sister! I know that you and your brother are happy in heaven-- it's the rest of us that need the hugs. love, anita... Name: Tara H Arbogast CommentsThank you for sharing this website with me! I was so touched by the story of Devon's life. What a beautiful smile!! May God bless your ministry to others thru your SMA organization! Tara Arbogast Name: crysten white CommentsHappy Birth day little Devon, I'm very sad about the story of Devons life but just remember theres holes in the floor of heaven and he's wishing he could be here now and sometimes if your lonely just remember he can see. Now you have a gardian angel.DEVON RICHARD STANTS. he's in heaven with my little sister who would be six now and they are both watching over us. Name: crysten white CommentsHappy Birth day little Devon, I'm very sad about the story of Devons life but just remember theres holes in the floor of heaven and he's wishing he could be here now and sometimes if your lonely just remember he can see. Now you have a gardian angel.DEVON RICHARD STANTS. he's in heaven with my little sister who would be six now and they are both watching over us. Name: autumn Lyann Dodd CommentsI am very sorry for the way every thing ended up for you , you sounded really happy to know that you was goin to be a mother i just wish it would have lasted longer than it did. Devon sounded really beautiful he sounded like an angel NOW he really is, Name: Mommy CommentsHappy Birthday baby. You're seven years old, would be in the 2nd grade in a couple of months here. I don't know if you would like bugs or books, mud or microscopes, but I do know you have a gentle soul, that you always brought me peace even when I was most afraid or hurting-when it should have been me bringing the peace to you. Even all these years later I can sometimes feel your little hands on my arm, your soft breath on my neck. I know that you always had a smile and almost never complained, even when you didn't feel well, and I know that you live on. I believe that you live on in Heaven, and I feel you live on in me, a part of me that changed from the moment I knew you were there and has never been the same. I miss you sweetheart, and I always try to keep in mind that anything I do is in your honor and needs to live up to those standards. I am only human, but I try. I hope you can see the balloons headed your way, and the love. Your little sister made me laugh today. I was reading a special birthday card from your cousins, and Kaylee looked at me and said "mommy, why do you have tears on your face?" and I said "because today is Devon's birthday honey and I miss him." and she looked very seriously at me and said "But Mommy, he's fine now, right?" I said "Yes honey, he's fine now", to which she said "I miss him too but it's his birthday, so let's be happy. Grandma always tells me when I am sad that I should sing a song and I will feel better." I said "Okay, what song should we sing?" and she said "I know, let's sing the pink cap song." at which point she made up a goofy song about a pink cap and made me laugh. Devon, you always looked wiser than your years and sometimes I wonder if your sister was touched by that a bit too. She also told me the other day that before she was born she came from heaven too, and that she said hello to you and Sidney as she passed from heaven to be born on earth. Why is it that I almost believe her? Anyway, Devon, I just wanted to send out a world-wide note that I love you, I miss you, that we will celebrate your birth down here and how grateful I am to have known you, even if for too short a time. You will always be my firstborn, the more-than-just-human child who taught me the true meaning of love, life, loss, and grace. Happy Birthday sweetheart, your Mama loves you! Name: Savannah CommentsHello, my name is Savannah and im 15. My knowledge of SMA started out today as a Biology project about genetic diseases, but I have found myself asking to go to the Library so I can read and find out more about SMA. When I found your story of your 2 sons I sqawled. I know that it is so difficult to deal with something like that. As soon as I started reading your story I could not stop. I am sitting in our school library crying my eyes out, and I feel like I I know little Devon and you just by reading this story. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It has been a blessing just looking at devons photos and reading all of your story. I believe your babies are sitting inthe lap of the4 Lord and they are having the best ime. Im praying for ya. GOD BLESS! Name: Sarah CommentsHappy Heavenly Birthday, Devon! I bet you and your little brother are having a heck of a time in heaven! Name: Michelle Tierney CommentsYour son is beautiful, thank you for sharing his story. Name: Lynn Thurmer CommentsIt is 4:05 AM I just finished reading your entire family story. I couldn't stop even though I have to work in the morning. I have a niece Jessica with type 1 SMA. She is 7 yrs old and of course on complete life support. She is happy and intelligent, but I have always wondered how parents make these heart wrenching decisions regarding extraordinary measures to keep a child alive. I have my sister's perspective, and after reading about Devon, I have an understanding and complete respect for the decisions you and your husband made. Thank you for sharing your story. Lynn Thurmer Name: Teresa CommentsReading the comment about knowing your baby can only survive inside of you brought back memories for me. In remembrance of Lisa Anya May 9, 1985- Feb. 24, 1986 and Sarah Alexandria Aug. 30 1990- April 18, 1991. I love and miss my girls! Name: sharon &stevie finlay belfast N.Ireland Commentshi our baby daughter sarah joined the angels on the 28 november1999 aged 8 months from sma before sarah we had never heard of sma like sarah devon is a beautiful baby and hopefully someday a cure will be found so no other families have to go through the pain of losing a child to this disease our wee angels will never be forgotten Name: beth CommentsJust wanted to say that I read your story and you are such amazing people. Your strength is an inspiration, as is your pure and endless love for your son. Laura -- you are a beautiful person, please do not have any regrets because you did the absolute best for your son that anyone could. I wish you all the best. Name: flossie sullivan CommentsI'm sorry for the loss of your son Devon but we all know he is with God. My friend's daughter has sma she died at the age of 19 months. Name: maikeika CommentsI AM SORRY ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR CHILD. I WISH YOU THE BEST. Name: D.Erica Alcock CommentsI am enjoying reading of all the love you have for your angel. My son is 7 months old and going to ped neu and ped bone doctor this week because he is not very strong and cant roll over or sit up ect. Please pray for my baby boy . peace and love a mommy in north western NJ feel free to contact me and tell me where to look for check lists Name: Robert Stants CommentsA terrible tragedy to one so young. So much to live for but so little time. Condolences to all the family and praise for the wonderful job you did at keeping Devon's memory alive. Name: Heather CommentsThinking about you a lot lately - and your mama too... and you would have LOVED your little sister!! Love you, "curly-Heather" Name: peg masterson CommentsI lost my son Michael 7weeks ago
tomorrow. Michael had type 1 sma he only lived for 20 days.
Name: michelle lambert Commentshey, i know how it feels to loose a loved one because my lil cuz died of sma type 1 and its really hard to deal with heart goes out to you all... Name: Brandi CommentsIt was with great sadness that I read Devon's story. I enjoyed getting to know him through his pictures and the beautiful months you had with him. What a handsome little guy! You have every reason to be so proud of such a strong and happy boy. Thank you for sharing your heart and your son through your webpage. Name: Kim Burger CommentsLaura, You are amazing. I just visited you wonderful website of your precious angels. I wish I could have met them. I know they were very lucky to have a wonderful Mother like you. I truly believe in my heart that God chooses special people to take care of theses special children while they are here on this earth. You have touched many lives, as well as ours. Please continue to share your story. Thank you for all you do for all of the sma children and families. God Bless you. Name: kristi Commentsthank you for bringing such wonderful memories here for all to see. My nephew, Christopher turned 1 year old last week. The doctors said it would be the only birthday he would ever have. He is a beautiful little boy with a smile that lights up the room. Like your precious children, he has been diagnosed with SMA, news that has put our family at Gods mercy. Some days are good, some not so good, but each day is a blessing with him in our lives. I just wanted to share my sympathy with your beautiful family and ask you what to expect when Chris passes. His mother can withstand the daily heartaches that come with this each day, but what can she expect to happen in his final hours? God bless you. Kristi Name: Cindy Henry CommentsLaura & Steve, I was moved to read through Devon & Sidney's sites by Laura's posting today. I can't begin to tell you how my heart aches for all the hurt you have had to endure. I have to tell you though how very much I admire the way you have coped with everything that God has put before you and how selfless I think you are to continue giving of yourself to all the families who live with this disease on a daily basis. While it brings an ache to my heart it also brings comfort as well. Devon, Sidney & Kaylee have been blessed to have you both! Thank you for SMA Support...this website and the chat is the anchor that I reach for especially on the days where I am having a difficult time dealing with the struggles that my two grandchildren deal with every day fighting this horrible horrible disease. Name: Shveta Gupta CommentsI am 5 months pregnant. I couldn't stop crying while reading your journal. May God give you all the strength and courage to bear this pain. My best wishes are with you. Name: Sarah CommentsHi Devon- I'm just checking in to read your story again! I've never met you but I think about you often. I think about how you must be having a wonderful time in heaven with Sidney, and I also think about how you were such a happy boy when you were alive. You have amazing parents Devon, I'm proud to know them and you must be very proud of them and your sweet sassy little sister! Sarah Name: misty Commentsi just got done reading your son and daughters website, they were both very touching, and beautiful children. i am so sorry to hear about your loss of your son, its so unfair and no mother should have to go threw that. i to lost my first and only baby, but the situation was different, my pregnancy was going great up until i was three months along, i went in to my first ultra sound and found the baby no longer had a heart beat, now i am just to scared to try again. your a very brave women, and once again i am so so very sorry about your loss of your son, he was such a cutie!! Name: Angela CommentsHI, I WAS JUST ON THE NET AND SEARCHING FOR ANGELS FOR A SCREENSAVER AND CAME ACROSS THIS. YES HE IS AN ANGEL A PERFECT ANGEL!! TODAY MARKS ONE FOR LOSING MY DAD AND I HAD BEEN DOWN ALL DAY AND WHEN I READ THIS I REALLY FELT YOUR PAIN I HAVE A SON THAT IS 11 MONTHS OLD AND I DON'T KNOW IF I COULD BE AS STRONG AS YOU WAS. I GUESS I COULD IF I HAD TO I JUST THANK GOD THAT HE HAS GIVE ME ALL THIS TIME THAT I HAVE HAD WITH HIM AND I HOPE I GET MORE TIME WITH HIM. I THINK GOD TEST US ON OUR FAITH THROUGH THINGS LIKE THIS BUT LIKE YOU SAID THAT IS THE ONLY WAY IS TO TRUST HIM AND BE STRONG. WELL GONNA RUN TO DRY MY EYES NOW P.S. I WILL KEEP YOU ALL IN MY PRAYERS!! ANGIE Name: Carolyn Deyarmin CommentsMy son Andrew was diagnosed with SMA Type 1 on January 23, 2004. At the time we were asked to make a decision about the ventilator that they had put him on, my father was in a hospital in another city with a ventilator, and my brothers and I were asked to make the decision as to whether to take him off the machines or not. I have to think that making the decision to take my father off the machines was a simpler one than making it for Andrew. My son is ten months old now, and I have not regretted keeping him on the machine even once. Especially when I look at his beautiful face and his angelic smile. We are back at the hospital now because he contracted viral pneumonia. It was caught early and he's on the road to recovery, but I'm constantly aware of the fact that one day they won't be able to cure it with drugs, and we will be saying good-bye to our precious boy. So I'm very sorry for your loss, I feel your sadness deeply and hope that one day I will be as brave about my son's passing as you have been. Name: Doddie Mom to Angel Christina (SMA1) 04-02-03 thru 03-15-04 CommentsIt is a beautiful presentation of a gorgoreous angel. Devon you make your mother proud everyday. I am sure you are keeping a close eye on her and everyone else in the family as you are taking care of your angel brother Sidney. Name: Amy and Lily Barnett CommentsHey Devon..I was just out 'surfing' the web and thought I would drop by and visit your website since it has been a while. You are most certainly one of the most beautiful little boys EVER...I know that you and your precious brother Sydney are having such a good time running around in heaven with Nathan, I imagine your all best friends by now :) I love your mommy very much, she is a wonderful woman...Lily and I send you and Sidney hugs and kisses to Heaven!!! Name: Kerry Rajkumar CommentsI was extremely traumatized when i saw the picture of Devon. He is extremely adorable and an absolute angel. To his family i extend my sincere love. Name: Sarha CommentsSorry for my first message (I am so overwhelmed with tears after reading Devon's story that I accidentally pressed the submit!) What I wanted to say; - it is always SO sad when a child leaves us, - I can not imagine all the emotions you must have! I truly feel sad with you, and at the same time also understand that God always has a plan with everything that happens to us. Thank you for sharing your story with me. Thank you for reminding me of how precious little moments in life is! Name: Sarha CommentsPlease forgive my spelling. With this message I'm sending you a very big hug! It is always - ALWAYS I truly admire wish that when you read my message, Name: Karen Slavik CommentsLaura What a tremendous story. It certainly had a huge impact on me, reading it, relating to it. I cried and cried. As you know we just lost our precious Jessica and it was a nightmare every time her sats dropped. Her last day her sats went from 88 to 11 in seconds, they did cpr, gave her some heart drugs and 02 and got her back long enough for me to sit and hold her in my lap until she passed. I chose not to ventilate her and the doctor told me it wouldn't have helped her anyway, her lungs couldn't handle the pressure, they were so full, so weak, they would have just collapsed. I am so grateful to you for writing about Devon as you did, he was a beautiful boy and now he is a fantastic, gorgeous angel I too did or didn't do many things that I regret more than anything and it helped me somehow to know, to read that you and others have gone through the same thing....Love Karen Name: Morgan CommentsHey Aunt Laura, We were all just checking out the websites. You did such a great job on these. They're always lots of fun to look at and enjoy. We love you guys so much, tell Kaylee I said HI!!! Name: billy and jennifer durham CommentsI have read ur story and want to tell u that it is very touching. Me and my wife is in the hospital with our sma angel right now. She is so beautiful. she is almost 6 mo. old. We don't know how long she has to live. But we to are hoping for a miracle. thanks for sharing ur story kelly grace dad Name: Kristin Webb and Cole CommentsDearest Devon Although we only know you through stories, pictures and through your amazing mommy, we feel like we know you. Today you are celebrating another birthday in heaven. I cannot imagine how hard this day is for your mom and dad. Be with them today. Send angel kisses on the wind for them to catch. Thank you little Devon for helping your mommy continue to be so strong for all of our families. Without her I cannot imagine how we would manage. Continue to give her strength so that she can continue the angel work you started here on earth. Name: Suzanne & Erinne CommentsWe wanted to be one of the first to wish Devon a very happy 6th are never far from our thoughts....Laura & Steve, I know this must be a bittersweet day for you.......please know that we will never forget precious Devon......we love you guys....... Name: Sara CommentsHi. I just wanted to say that Devon is a beautiful little boy. I cannot imagine how much he blessed your life, even though you had to let him go. He is perfect now...and you were wonderful parents to him while he spent his time here. Even though I don't know you...I just want to thank you for being wonderful parents and loving your little boy so much. Your website for him is beautiful. Name: Karen CommentsI have just read about your family on three or your childrens web sites. You do not know me I am a nurse and at one time I took care of a baby with SMA he was able to go home where I was his nurse, But he only lived for three months. I felt a strong connection with that baby. I am happy to hear you have had the strangth to continue in your quest to expand your family. I have also lost a baby when I was 3 months along. I was crushed. The Dr. told me it was due to severe genetic defects. This made me research all types of genetic disorters that I could think of. I want you to know that I have great respect for you and your family. My thoughts are with you. Thank you for sharing your story. I wish you a lifetime of happiness. Name: Pam Skelding CommentsLaura (and Steve), thanks for sharing the story about your family. What a wonderful keepsake for Kaylee, to read about the lives of her brothers! We lost our grandson to SMA I in March 2000, at age 9 months 4 days. He was a beautiful little boy, and will always be carried in our hearts. Reading your story brought back alot of memories about little Julian and his brief time here on earth. God bless you both and Kaylee. Pam Skelding Name: Leslie CommentsHi...Cassie, whose entry is just a couple below this one, showed me your site after she ran across it. And, like so many other people here said, I'm not one to get emotional easily, but by the time I got to the end of Devon's story, I was crying. He really was such a beautiful little boy in so many ways, & I know that he's an angel looking down on you & your whole family from Heaven...And that God's taking such good care of him, Sidney, & their little brother, too. You & your entire family have been through more than most people could even imagine, & yet you've shown such incredible strength...And And I think everyone can learn a lot from your story. So thank you for sharing it with all of us. All of you will be in my thoughts & prayers. God Bless, Leslie Name: Janine CommentsI was given this website being told that it was very inspiration and it is. I really admire you and your families courage. I'm happy that God finally blessed you with a healthy child and i know that your two sons are watching out for her and you. God Bless! Name: Brian CommentsLet me first start off by explaining a few things, I don't cry often, and I'm emotionally strong enough to take in stories like this - or so I'd like to believe. My sister kept telling me how sad the story was, and how I'd end up crying. Well, I didn't believe her, I always put on this act of having a heart of stone and not caring what happens to me or other people when I really do. Eventually I got around to reading it, and I kept telling myself no matter what I came across, I wouldn't cry. Somewhere in the middle, I could feel my eyes tearing up, and I tried to hold it back. I just wiped the tears on my shirt and kept reading. But once I hit the end, I couldn't hold the tears back anymore and ended up crying on the spot. I'm not really sure what else to say, I'm sure God is looking on Devon in heaven with a smile, just as much as he smiled himself. "Peace, Love, Empathy"-Kurt Cobain. -Brian Name: Cassie CommentsI came across your daughters website while looking for pictures of cardboard boxes on Google. I found one of Kaylee playing in a box, and it was too cute to not click on. I clicked around on her site for a while, and then veiwed Devon's. I, not being one who crys all, bawled while reading his story. I had to stop every few sentences. Devon was such a beautiful baby, and is an angel. His life was tough, but through all of it he smiled. I think everyone could learn from his story, that through everything the best thing to do is smile. I never new about SMA, and really learned a lot from his story. I'm so sorry about everything that has happened to you. God Bless, Cassie Name: Mommy CommentsHi sweetie. Your little sister was lying on me, sick and sleepy yesterday, and I thought a lot about you. Your smile, the glint in your eyes, and the mental image of you chasing butterflies in a beautiful land of wildflowers, sunshine and rolling hills. I miss you, I love you, I hope you are being kind to you little brothers up there! Love always, Your Mama