The Bioresonance Story
The 1st Year
Dr. Croley began treating Irene with Total Repro Bioresonance. This treatment seemed to work for the first two years. When we got back home, she began lifting things that she couldn't lift before. But we still had a problem with scoliosis that kept getting worse, her left knee bowed backward, her left foot was turned out. But in spite of the mild deformities, she began doing and trying more things. |
In July 2005, Irene began aquatic therapy
in ozonated water.
They had to teach her to blow bubbles so that she'd know what to do in case she went under, which she did several times. I had to be in the water because she still could not cough. She later described the EMT procedure I did for choking as, "The water just disappeared from my throat." |
I exercised her at home using the exercises given to us by the neurodevelopmental specialist. Her legs kept getting stronger. And by August, she was able to cough again, still a little weak, but it was productive. I'm still in awe at how God kept her from catching colds. The atrophy in the upper arms also began to reverse. In September 2005, she quit falling and felt very solid and strong when I would pick her up. She began pulling up onto her knees in the tub. She hadn't done that in over a year. By October, she pulled up to a stand in waist deep water.
Here are a couple of before/after shots of trunk/neck rotation. These are 11 months apart. A later test by her PT now showed a normal rotation. |
Her neck muscles became much stronger and was able to hold this position for over 11 minutes before she got tired. She used to only hold for 5 seconds! She also began to crawl because of the strengthening of the neck. |
In December she began trying to walk independently in the water. By January, she began trying to take 1-2 small, independent steps on land. |
She was able to hold a handstand. She also relearned to feed herself. |
She was able to get into a crawl position on her own and even crawl just a little. |
She was able to squat this far even in a free stand and come back up again. |
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Home | Irene's story The Diagnosis | Prayer requests 2013 |
What is SMA? | Irene's story The KI Method | Treatments (updated 6/8/07) |
Our SMA Angels kids | Irene's story Bioresonance 1st Year | NEEDS list (updated September 2016) |
Irene's story Bioresonance 2nd Year | | |
Photo Album fun pics - not updated | Irene's story Tired Feet | |
Lety's Studies in Energy Medicine | Irene's story Present 2013-2016 - broken leg story | |
What is The KI Method? | IRENE'S ART COLLECTION |