2 Years Old
Page 8

Hanging outside and working on my tan

I'm the princess

Loving life and my doll

Hanging outside with mommy

It's my frog again

Loving my new swing

Thanks daddy, this is great

Catching a nap on my swing

Hanging with daddy on my swing

Hanging out my girl Chelsea

Who are you and why are you touching me?

Ready for my sleep study at Cincinnati

My C.O.L.E.'s Quilt
It was made especially for me by cross stitchers from around the world.

This is my friend MJ's grandma (we call her GJ). She came to meet me at Young's and ordered strawberry shortcake. Look at it, it's bigger than her head!

Me, Mommy, Brenda (MJ's nurse) and MJ at Young's

This is my unsure face