4 Years Old


Mommy thinks I'm up to something,
but I am innocent, I tell you

Hanging out with dad before bed

My very best cheezy grin

My new jacket from
Amanda, Jeff, Gavin and Bo

But mom, I only have 150 chapsticks,
I need more, I really do!

Watching TV

Mom and Dad say I'm a Future Buckeye

My Indian headdress

We made hats for Thanksgiving

My dad is a pilgrim

I love my Ni-hao Kilan hair do

My birthday outfit from
Aunt Nancy and Uncle Russ

Mommy and I posing for the camera

Little Miss Butterfly

Time to watch Little Mermaid

I lost my first tooth...eating a chocolate chip cookie

Nan and Pa came to visit

Mom and I are twins...we have matching glasses

Aren't I growing up

Nan, Mom and I

Let's get our bake on, Mom

Add more sugar so they are sweet, like me!

Reading with Mrs. Louise

I'm pretty flower princess!