5 Years Old
Page 17


Got my cell phone, let's hit the road

Move it Eli, I'm a comin' through

Is it Fancy Nancy or Fancy Leah

Who is taller: Lily is 9 and I'm not even 6

Thanks grandma for my new mat

Look what came home with me

Watch out world, here I come

Eli and Bella

Waiting for my teacher...
she didn't come.

My family "bear" party with dad

It's a BellaBear

Are we all ready to stuff them.

Everyone pick out clothes

Picking out 2 hearts:
One for our bear and one for Leah's

Listen to your heart

Gotta give it some lovin'

Kissing my "bear" heart

Make it a promise boys

You too Bella, Lily, and Chelsea

Now giving Leah our extra hearts for more loving for her throughout the year.

I get to go first


Lily's turn

What next?

Chelsea's turn

Look at Bella stuffing hers

Bath time for our animals

Have to have clean animals...

Scrub, scrub

I love Build-a-Bear

Time to get them dressed

My dog's new shirt
 (dad helped, can you tell)

I love my puppy

All done

All of us with our colorful creatures

Lovin my pup

Now, time for pizza and Starbucks

What a great lunch

Now I have two: Meet BJ and Rexy