5 Years Old
Page 6


Me and my crazy hair

My mean look

Making turkey cookies

Fun with Mrs. Louise

Turkey time

Not a creature was stirring except these crazy mice

Mommy loves my toothless grin

Papi and I, Jeany

Seeing how many times I can watch Beauty and the Beast before I drive mommy crazy

Go Buckeyes!!  Beat Michigan

The Buckeyes win

I believe in fairies - the tooth fairy

The grown up look - Miss Leah Jean

I say Happy Thanksgiving
Dad says, when will the grub be ready

Sam and Randi


All dressed up


Long day for Bella

Mom, Shane, Laura, Sam

Uncle Russ and Aunt Nancy

Gma & Mommy

Laura, Shane, & Eli

Aunt Laura & Mommy

Eli, Santa, and I

Waiting for Santa

I love Christmas time

No, Santa is not behind me

I would freak if Santa was here with me

Santa is where?  What??

Eli, lets get out of here, NOW!

Home and done with Santa for another year

Jammies from Aunt Buffy

Where is my early present from Santa?

Now what do I do with it?

Ummmm, mom????