Hi, my name is Zeke. This web site
is about my baby sister. I wish that Morgan did not have this web
site, because then she would not have SMA. But she does, so I guess
I am glad that this web site is here. When my mom told me that
Morgan had SMA, I was sad, but my mom was too, so I told her that it
would be okay because Morgan could get a “hover-around” wheelchair.
I have learned a lot about SMA, and I want to become a researcher so
that I can find a cure. Really, I hope that the cure is found a lot
sooner than I would be able to find one. My mom says that I was a
lot like Morgan, quiet and sweet. Morgan is the sweetest little girl
I have ever meet. She is very girlie, she likes jewelry, and
loves diamonds! When she cries it just breaks my heart, she gets
the biggest tears in her eyes, and this “boo-boo lip” that is so
sad. She doesn’t cry very much, luckily. I want her to be happy all
the time. I will always be here to make her laugh when she is sad.
My little brother, Clayton likes her too. He always gives her a kiss
good night. They have fun together, when one of them starts
laughing, the other one will start, then I start laughing with them,
then our whole family is laughing and no one really knows why. Thank
you for visiting my baby sister’s web site!