Journeys of Mr. Bear!![]()
Mr. Bear's FIRST PAGE of Travels Is HERE!
19 October 2005 I am getting so excited about my trip. I can hardly wait to go visit all of my new friends. Today was a pretty exciting day. ![]() 20 October 2005 Today, Wyatt, MJ's dog was crazy! MJ's dad went away for the weekend and Wyatt cried. He sounded funny.
When MJ woke up, she got a huge surprise. Brenda noticed a van in the driveway and went out to see what was going on. MJ's new bed arrived without warning. MJ had to get dressed and up for the bed to be set up. I got to lay with MJ. Her bed does Chest PT and vibration. It feels funny. MJ and I think that if feels like you are sitting on a cloud. Tonite, I helped Brenda pack up 2 more blankets, for Madelyn and Kaitlyn. I just wanted to jump in the blanket box and snuggle down. 21 October 2005 Guess what?!? I heard about a cool event going on in Oklahoma next weekend. They are having a party called Boo-Ha-Ha Days. I convinced MJ and Brenda to let me leave today to start my adventures. I am off to visit The Houser Family. Here I come!!
October 22, 2005
Well, I'm headed out of New York toward Oklahoma. Rather than take the highway, I think maybe this first time out I'll take the scenic route. Maybe catch a few sights along the way. Wonder where I should stop the first day? I don't want to make any specific stops I guess, because I'm not sure which family I'll be visiting later and if they have any plans to visit there, so maybe I'll just cruise along and get a nice view of all the colors. I'll try to make it through Pennsylvania today at least.
October 23, 2005
I'm in Ohio today. I'm getting a little lonely already. I'm sure glad I have my guardian angel with me.
October 24, 2005
Mars? Did I make a wrong turn or am I dreaming???
October 25, 2005
Indiana today … I'm getting hungry (I think).
October 26, 2005
Today I went through Illinois and Missouri. I sure hope nobody is missing me. I think it's time I speed up a bit and get to Oklahoma to see Jensen, Kameron, and Mitchell. I think I've seen enough on my own for now. It just isn't as much fun seeing everything alone as it is seeing new things with friends.
October 27, 2005
I've made it through Oklahoma to almost the Texas border - Lawton, Oklahoma. It's a military town - lots of camouflage here. Jensen, Kameron, and Mitchell live way out here though (really quiet) …
October 28, 2005
… HERE I AM!!! I'm SO glad I made it in time to go with them to stay with their family in Sapulpa, Oklahoma. They were really surprised to see me … you should have seen their faces.
We stopped
at McDonald's on the way to Sapulpa, and we a October 29, 2005
Nana made us waffles and bacon for breakfast (YUM!!!) and then we went to the mall for a Halloween costume for me so I could wear it to the Boo-Ha-Ha Parade. Jensen is going to be Mulan and Kameron is going to be Batman. Mitchell - he said he's just going to be himself (that's scary enough).
We went back to Mimi's house and watched movies (Bewitched and Fever Pitch) and ate "mummy" ham-and-cheese sandwiches and dirt cups with gummy worms. It was a really fun night, but now I'm REALLY tired!!! We're going to spend the night with Mimi tonight.
October 30, 2005
Mimi made us a yummy breakfast this morning - omelets, ham, and toast. I'm stuffed!!! :o)
She even let me try some of the icing!
I also got to take a ride on their dog, Blue!!!
I also got to go and meet Jensen, Kameron, and Mitchell's Papa and Aunt Jaime. Papa is building a house all by himself.
But then we had to say goodbye to everybody and drive back to Lawton.
October 31, 2005
HALLOWEEN!!! The kids had to go to school today, so I'm getting
to sit on Bra
I think I'm going to have to cut my visit short here though and skip trick-or-treating tonight so I can get to Miss Lily's house in time.
I said goodbye to the kids after school and gave them each a big bear hug and a soft bear smooch and headed toward Miss Lily's house … here I come!!!
November 2, 2005 I have made it to Miss Lily's house, it didn't seem to take nearly as long as I thought it would to get from Oklahoma to Kentucky. Lily and Amy were so excited to see me on their doorstep though and while I was tired Lily wanted to hold me and drive me around the house in her powerchair. I made sure I told Lily to read my journal to see all the fun things I did with the Houser family.
I did get to watch a movie called
"Rolie Polie Olie" with Lily then we headed off to the
Louisville to pick some supplies up for Lily and her machines.
I napped in the van being tired from my trip.
I am excited to be here and from
what I understand we are going on a weekend trip to Gatlinburg
Tennessee this weekend so I am quite excited.
Time to rest up for a while.
By the way, Lily told me purple was her favorite color so I used the purple pen. I think Lily and I am going to be good friends.
Busy day with Amy packing for our trip to Gatlinburg. I kept Lily company and we had a good day together, we even got to chit-chat about all the things we like. We are very excited to go on our trip! I think Lily is excited to be taking me along.
November 4, 2005
We are settled in our hotel room,
boy is it pretty here. Lily and I had a wonderful ride down, we
Lily's mom carried Lily and me outside on
the balcony so
November 5, 2005
We walked down to the creek and Amy took some pictures of us on a big rock then we went to visit Lily's Uncle and Aunt in their room.
Then Lily and I took a nap in the stroller until we walked down to Gatlinburg. We did a lot of shopping and I even got a cute pair of socks at a place called Bear Feet Socks. We walked around for a while then headed back to the room to rest up until the evening. In the evening we went back down to Gatlinburg to see all the Christmas lights, they were beautiful! We stayed for a couple of hours then went back to the room to sleep.
Today Lily and I spent the day
walking around all the pretty places at the hotel while Amy went
to Pigeon Forge to go shopping. We all went back down to Gatlinburg at dark to see the lights again and eat dinner. We stayed out until 10pm! It was fun. Lily's Grandparents took Lily and me back to the room while Amy, Travis, and Dena went and played putt-putt golf, we didn't go to bed until 12am! Lily and I snuggled down finally and went to sleep. November 7, 2005
Nothing much to report. We left Gatlinburg this morning and drove home. We left at 11am and got home around 4pm. We have just been relaxing tonight.
November 8,
Boy, it is amazing how tired
you get from a trip! We slept in this morning then had a
late breakfast. I haven't gotten to write about my sleeping
arrangements yet but it has been nice. Lily sleeps with a
lamb named Natie who is named after her older brother who is
in Heaven so I have
Lets see, today Lily took me on a wild ride on her powerchair outside, she is a speed demon! She loves to bounce around in the yard, it was like being on a ride at an amusement park! It was fun though and and of course Lily was laughing so that made me smile too. We all snuggled alot on the bed today too, and I watched Amy and Lily wrestle around on the bed too, but I stayed out of that one. November 9, 2005
I am packed up to go visit with
another family so this is my last day
12, 2005
The views were gorgeous and I've never seen so many colors before!
and I napped in the back seat on the way there and woke up just in
Steven and Andrea bought me a souvenir coin and gave me a brochure all about the mountain, so I'll always remember.
We took
lots of pictures too! We stopped at McDonald's on the way home -
YUM! Right now, we're watching a football game, but it's half-time,
so I took a break to write an update.
14, 2005
We saw all
the places where the SMA kids hung out at the first SMA Support
Gathering. It was very exciting! Of course, we took lots of
pictures. Now we're getting ready to watch a hockey game. I have no
idea what that is, but judging from how excited everyone is over it,
it must be good!
Well, I was hoping for a nice rest while I traveled up north, (James is a BUSY guy) but those UPS workers sent me on a perilous trip! I made it safely though--Phew! November 23, 2005
I arrived at the O'Neills in Milton Vermont around noon time. OHHHH, it's cold up here! There's snow on the ground, too. The boys were home since it was school break time.
Casey was very happy to
see me! Colin was a little unsure
Sue and Gene are the parents and Casey and Colin are brothers who are 8 and 4. They also have a dog named Sasha and a cat named Sister. Gene warned me to stay away from Sasha because she has been known to love to snack on stuffed bears. November 24, 2005
Today is Thanksgiving! We got to watch the famous Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in our pajamas!
Oh, Casey lent me his friend
Teddy Ruxpin's pajamas while I am here. We loved watching
all the floats. We especially loved Sponge Bob, Big Bird,
and Chicken Little. SANTA CLAUS was
We also watched Madagascar. This was the second time I got to see it because I got to watch it with James in South Carolina!! Sue and Gene let us stay up until 8:30 so we could watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. No one wanted to fall asleep because we had such a good day and didn't want it to end!
November 25, 2005 We had a pretty quiet day today. I got to play computer with the boys and Nurse Nancy Lanza. Casey and Colin love to play computer games and now I do, too! November 26, 2005
Today's highlight was going to the movie theater to see Chicken Little! It was funny! We all laughed and laughed! I think EVERYone should go see this movie!
November 27, 2005
Sunday is a quiet
day around here. Casey likes to sleep in. When he
3rd grade is terrific! Priscilla (Casey's communication facilitator) programmed a button on Casey's DynaVox so he could tell the class all about me. The kids are all very nice and interested in me. They learn a lot of stuff in 3rd grade!
I really enjoyed hanging out with Casey and seeing him talk on his DynaVox. I also liked driving through the halls in his power chair! He doesn't go too fast so I wasn't so scared. There's always something going on in Casey's class and lots of kids to talk to. Riding the school bus was an experience, too!
After we got home from school we got to
relax and watch TV. Casey has to go to bed early during the
school week and I understand why! I had to say good-bye to Casey this morning. I hugged him and then watched him get on the bus while waving to him from the kitchen window. I watched a little bit of Sesame Street with Colin and then I had to hug him and say good-bye. It was sad, but I look forward to meeting another cool family!! Tomorrow I start my journey to the Pruitts in Kentucky! It was nice visiting Vermont and meeting the O'Neills but I know I will enjoy myself with the Pruitts.
December 1, 2005
December 2, 2005 My southern drawn is coming back. It doesn't take long. Dani and I get up and watch som Jo Jo Circus cartoons (her favorite). Dani's PT comes and puts her through "boot camp". Dani is a tough little booger! We take a nap and then run to the grocery with Dani's mom. It seems like everyone in Kroger knows Dani. They all stop to say "hey" and see how she is doing. Later, Dani's mom has a friend over and we melt a gell, add scent and coloring and make candles in baby food jars, so that Dani and I can decorate Christmas candles. It is pretty fun but the house now smells like Cinnamon. December 3, 2005
After Dani's nap we get ready for Dani's dad's work Christmas party. We all get to go! It is really nice with great food and all the people are really excited to see us. We have alot of fun and when we get home, it is definitely time for bed! December 4, 2005
and I get up, watch a little Jo Jo Circus and then we
start getting ready for a road trip. We are heading The Pruitts let me have a piece of pizza. Then I get to meet Emma and Nick Lockwood and their folks. We have a great time visiting. Toward the end the Pruitts get their picture taken with Santa. We then leave to go back to Lexington. It is a very fun day. December 5, 2005 Dani's mom finally tells us about Morgan. We are all very sad. Dani lights a candle for her. It hits us all very hard. We don't know her personally but she sure has such a spark about her.
December 6, 2005
and I get up, watch a little Jo Jo Circus and then
Dani's mom reads us some
December 7, 2005
Dani and I get up, watch a little Jo Jo Circus and then
Dani's mom reads us some more books. Dani can't get
enough of those books. It is still cold outside so we
We also play one of Dani's favorite games, hide-n-seek. She gets pretty excited when people get close to finding her. Dani's mom went to work on her pottery so Dani's dad hangs out with us. He is pretty cool and Dani likes it when he sings songs with her switch activated tape recorder. I am enjoying the Pruitts but would like it to be warmer so we could go outside.
Well... Dani and I get up - watch a little Jo Jo Circus and then Dani's mom decides we better go to the grocery before the expected storm hits, so off we go. It is cold out and everyone is still happy to see us. We get back to the Pruitt's and its time for Dani's Speech Therapy appointment. After Dani's nap we read a little, do some exercises, play computer and just do some serious playing. Boy, Dani sure likes to throw things and make her parents pick them up.
They fall for it all the time!
Dani takes a bath, I help, she bounces on the
pilates ball, sings a few songs wit her dad, and
then its time for bed. I said goodbye to her
tonight because I am going
I've had fun here.... but its time to move on. I'm learning alot and loving every minute of it. Bye Bye Dani and Hello Fogel family.
December 12, 2005
5 p.m. Who would have have ever thought going from Kentucky to Ohio would take so long!! Well, here I finally am, and I think tonight I will rest. Angel Kaydence's cousins were very curious about all the stuff I brought with m. I am going to bed early tonight, since I will be a Wal-Mart employee tomorrow. Night.
December 13, 2005
Katie, Angel She told me we would have such a long day because it was the last day to get Christmas layaway out. Everyone really thought I was cute. Katie's boss didn't even mind me working with her. Michelle and Ken got a picture with me as Ken offered me a midnight snack of a sandwich. We had such a long night we worked from 10 a.m. till midnight. Katie put me to bed at Tiff's house, and is getting sleep now. December 14, 2005
Okay, so it's 9 a.m. and me
and puppy are seatbelted and off on the first I try my hardest to assure her that Leah will love her. Well, we finally made it here. Leah is one beautiful baby. Her mom said she wasn't happy because she just went back on bipap. We spent awhile just sitting talking and playing. By the time we were ready to leave, puppy knew Leah would take care of her. Leah gave me big hugs and kisses to see me safely home. The trip home was quiet, but with this family I will take the quiet where I can get it. December 15, 2005 Today we actually did nothing but even when this family stays home you are never bored. Now I understand why Angel Kaydence was always so happy and smiling. I am so excited they told me Kaydence's Mamaw is taking me bowling tomorrow. Wow I can't wait!
I hope De took many pics cause I have no clue what happened. December 17, 2005
I can't believe the day we have had. Elder Bearman's had these great chairs that we thought would be perfect for SMA kids. Wait till you read our deal on
I'm saying goodbye to the Fogles Sunday. Snuggles with Leah
one more time...
Mr. Bear Continued On: |