Age 1
Page 17 - Center for Courageous KIds

We are here at CCK

Let's go, go, go!

Opening ceremony!


I'm ready to get started

What is this that I am chewing on?  Spaghetti, I don't know about this stuff.

Going bowling

Austin making cookies

Tasting my own frosting

HMMM, what is this delicious stuff

Look at that big horse

Austing loves the horse

Austin riding his horse

Giddy up!

My turn, my turn

Getting the horse used to my vent


I love this horse riding stuff

I am riding a horse

We are all riding horses

I love horses, can I have my own mommy?

Grandma Vicki

Grumpy Dad, actually he is quite funny...

Hmm, what is Austin thinking of?

Shall I take a nap or not?

Mommy hanging out

Look, Dani is driving beside me

Emma playing with gak

It is a gak hand

Playing with gak

It feels funny

So, how do you get this stuff off?

I love this stuff

Mary's dyed hair, isn't it beautiful?

My turn

Purple and gold for me

Movie time

Brenda, MJ, and Beth

what are they doing?

Haley and family

Chase cheezing it up

MJ & Haley

Haley & I

Dani, Haley, Chase, & MJ

Group shot

In the dance line