Age 2
Page 24


Nick is swimming too

Emma is swimming near me

MJ is taking pictures of us swimming

Help, someone save me!

Everyone's watching me

Look at Emma

I want to watch everyone else swim

Look at Nick swim

Kisses from mommy

Emma dancing the night away

Dani telling everyone goodnight

Ready to go bowling

Ready, set, go

Austin bowling with Thomas waiting

MJ, Mommy, and I

Chase with his mommy and daddy

Eating a s'more, my favorite

I want a strike this time

And, push...

Hi Chase

Emma's turn

Ally likes to bowl too

What do you think they are talking about

Ally, Nolan, and I

Breakfast time

Time to dance again

Lizzy talking to her counselor

Thomas and Austin looking tired

Mary saying goodbye

Painting with daddy

Look what I made

I'm a secret agent

Hanging with the guys

Mary and I

Daddy packing everything up

Emma and her mommy

Dani dancing to the music

Nick dancing too

Meet Jeeves, our mascot