Dear David...


February 28, 2001

Dear David Alexander,

Thank you so much, our darling little man, for blessing us with your presence in our lives.  When you were born you brought us so much joy and happiness.  We knew you were special the moment we laid eyes on you.  Your unconditional love and trust shone through every smile you gave us. Thank you for making us more aware of the world around us and inspiring us to do more in it. Most of all we are thankful for the lessons you have taught us and the ones we have yet to learn from you.

These are some of the lessons we have learned so far.  

You can never have too many pictures of your children.

Say, “I love you” every day at least twice.

As with every baby, poop happens. Deal with it; clean it up as best you can, then move on.

Genetics are not your fault, nor are they God’s

The most important lesson we have learned from you so far is:

Hold on tight to the ones you love, but know when to let them go.

David, you have inspired many things in your 72 days. Here are some of the things that are happening to honor your life and to live it for you. Mommy is going back to school to get your degree. Daddy is going to train very hard and earn your black belt. Uncle Clint has started drawing again for the first time in years. Jenna will be your arms and legs and we will all play twice as hard just for you. We will look at the world with the eyes of a child.

We will never again take for granted this precious life.

Good-bye, our dear sweet son. We will always love you.

With Love,

Mommy and Daddy