The O'Neill
Family Journal!

June 17, 2004 through October 27, 2004

June 17:
Today was Casey's last day of school. He
brought in his gifts for his teachers today. He had a card and a bracelet for his
buddy, Samantha. Casey got to meet Mrs. Gage who will be his Second Grade teacher.
She is very excited to have him in her class! She gave him a shiny notebook
to write down things that he does over the summer.
So, Gene had his
specialists appointments at Dartmouth-Hitchcock yesterday. He had been to several
docs/neurologists here and they didn't really know what to do with him! He had the
"water" test done here, MRI, etc., with no conclusive results.
Gene isn't even sure what "kind" of doc this
was, but he was an Ear, Nose, Throat guy with lots of initials after MD! First they
gave him a regular physical. Then they sent him for a hearing test. The
hearing test was normal--some hearing was above average and some a bit below--essentially
Then he went to the specialist guy and talked a
lot. They had him go in this very high tech machine. He was in a parachute
harness in a machine with 3 walls and a floor. They had him keep his eyes open and
they moved the 3 walls around. Then he did it with his eyes shut. Then
they moved the floor around with his eyes open and then shut. Very wild, Gene
said! Some how it was all computerized and made graphs of "stuff" using
his weight and height and his movements.
Another thing the doc did was have him march 50 paces
with his eyes shut. When Gene opened them, he had turned 90%! The doc thought
that would happen. His best guess is that several years ago he had a bad cold/sinus
infection that affected his inner ear, and the damage did not repair itself yet. He
said that you use your nerves in your feet, your eyes and your ears for balance and when
one is affected, the dizziness happens. Okay, so that was not the best explanation,
but it's something like that!
The doc gave him some "exercises" to try to
train his ears to "behave" properly again. Very interesting stuff.
He's supposed to go back in two months... OH, I FORGOT also that the doc said to cut our
ALL nutrasweet and aspartame. He said that the stuff is BAD and can affect nerves
and stuff in you body--like the ears (oh and he said lay off caffeine, too). He
believes that in two months that if he changes those things in his diet and does those
exercises, he will be much improved and feel better. We can hope and pray!!! I
didn't realize how much this was really bugging him until recently. He felt
awful last night and "made" the boys go to bed early because he felt so
"ugh." And, we had some large tree limbs fall down in our yard that need
to be taken care of. I asked him about when/how he was going to do it and he said he
didn't know because he didn't think he could handle using the chain saw.
Yikes! That is sooo not like Gene!
July 15:
Please send us prayers for an uneventful day
tomorrow. Casey is getting a flexible bronchoscopy. It's his first ever.
The docs just want to see how he's doing in there and see if he has any scar
tissue and just to make sure all looks well. I hope they can tell if he needs
to go up in trach size. We're having our two favorite docs do it (PICU doc and
pulmonologist). It should be a quick, easy thing...he does need an IV and will be
sedated so that part is scary to me. Afterwards we plan on making a quick stop to
Barnes and Nobles to pick up a few Boxcar children books, Casey's new favorite!
July 16:
We had a smoooth time
at Casey's appointment! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. Poor Casey had to
get up at about 5:15 AM to be ready to leave the house at 6:30. We actually made it
out by 6:35. Checked in and got to the floor. We had his vitals done and
weighed him. They put Emla cream on his hands and feet and let it sit for about an
hour. Casey had fun torturing Nurse Nancy and I by yelling at the TV because we
couldn't find any good shows!
The nurse came in to place his IV. She was
really good. She was a NICU nurse so she knows little veins. She missed one
hand, so she tried his foot and got it. Then we had a bit to wait. Transport
got him and we wheeled down. They were soooo good down there. Anesthesia gave
him a bit of lydocaine and then propraphol to put him out. The docs let Nancy and I
stay in the room and watch. It was really cool. They went right down his
trach with the camera thing. It showed up on the TV. His trach is PERFECT!!!
NO scar tissue, NO granulation tissue, no weird anything!!! It was dry, too,
in a good way they said. They could see three separate septums (I think). One
in a little smooshed from laying on his side a lot, but everything looked really clear.
They said they'd never seen such a beautiful site!! They didn't recommend
going up in trach size or changing any settings. After the procedure, he woke right
up and was feeling great! We went up to the room for a few minutes and did another
set of vitals and then we were free to go.
We went and visited the PICU and saw some of
Casey's nurses and RTs from his earlier stays.
Then we went to Aunt Chris's to water her plants.
Then we went to Barnes & Noble and checked out
lots of books. Casey got 3 Boxcar Children and 3 Magic Tree house books. I
picked up a treasury for Colin, 365 Stories & Rhymes for Boys.
July 23:
I don't have the words or strength to
write...I am taking Monica's words...
Our sweet, beautiful, brave Taleah earned her
angel wings this evening.
I can't yet make myself really believe it.
She was strong and healthy with no sign of problems. Somehow, her monitor got turned
off and bipap got bumped and unplugged. We figure she aspirated and went very, very
She passed quietly without even disturbing
any of her siblings who were all in the living room watching Little Mermaid with her.
When John checked on her she had already flown.
We are heartbroken beyond words, beyond
expression. We held her and held her and loved her. I ran my fingers through
her hair for hours as different family members arrived to say goodbye.
Her fourth birthday is day after tomorrow, she
would have been four.
We are planning on having her funeral on Monday,
we don't know where yet. I would really like a funeral outdoors for
The house seems so empty, so quiet.
Taleah Louise English July 24, 2000 - July 22,

This will always be my favorite picture of Tia!
July 25:
I guess I don't get out a lot. And, when I
do, I am usually with the boys or at least someone. Today I met my sister
at her condo to go shopping. Gene had both boys. We had a nice time shopping
and then went out to lunch at '99'. I was cruising the interstate on the way home,
listening to the radio, winding down--finally. I can't remember the last time I
really let go and relaxed. Well, it felt GOOD! I forget what the open road can
do for my soul!! Then, I started hearing melancholy songs like Creed's Arms Wide
Open and Sarah McLaughlin's Angel and Natalie Merchant's "oh, I forget
the name...but I'll bet you all know which one I mean...Through all this I started
bawling...sad kind of bawling but also very freeing. THEN, the kicker..."Tiny
Dancer" by Elton John, which is Mia's song. I freaked. THESE ARE ALL
songs I associate with SMA and they were all in a row! I was so wound up I called
Kim on my cell. I had to go past my exit because my eyes were all red and I didn't
want to face Gene and my in-laws with a blotchy face. Anyway, I feel better but
still raw. Not sure why I shared all this!
August 26:
Poor buddy was fussing in the night.
When I went to flip him he was burning up. His heart rate wasn't lower than
the 120 all night long--usually he is in the high 60s to 90s.
He made it downstairs without bipap and did fine with his
coughing. He had more secretions, but nothing yucky. He needed his bipap after
that as his heart rate was way high. His oxygen levels don't seem to be affected;
maybe 1 point lower. His lungs are clear, so I suspect a head cold kind of thing,
but it's still scary!
I was supposed to spend the day with my dad, shopping and then on
a charter sailboat on Lake Champlain for a couple of hours. But I'm staying home.
My parents are up for another couple of weeks so hopefully we can have our sail.
Oh, and he's very, very gassy. But has done extra well with
his poops the last couple of days!
Later on August 26:
Colin has an ear infection! Poor buddy!
He hung in pretty well all day...Tylenol and bipap. I
checked his ears and sure enough, his right ear looked red and moist.
After nap when he woke he looked awful! HOT and flushed and
glassy-eyed! I took his temp and it was 101.0 axillary!! He got some
Motrin and we sponge-bathed him and he cooled down very quickly. The
doc just came by and he diagnosed an ear infection--not just the
swimmer's ear kind, but the full-blown yucky kind. So he'll be
getting amoxycillan. Good thing I just stocked up on acidophilus!
He's been off bipap for almost an hour and doing fine. SATs are 100%
and heart rate 129. He's going back on in a few. Thanks for the
thoughts and prayers!!
August 28:
Happy Birthday in Heaven,Sidney!
September 7:
Wow, what a day we had--in a
GOOD way. We had our last "hurrah" of summer yesterday by going to our
local fair. It's the biggest fair in the state, and in the town nearby where Gene
grew up. Anyway, this was Colin's first fair year. I was nervous, but I knew
Colin would love it despite the dirt and germs and noise.
We had Nurse Julie with us (thank you Bill for the passes!) and
Aunt Chris, and Nurse Sue met us there because she hadn't had a chance to go yet.
It's pretty overwhelming but the attractions are usually in the same place so we navigated
fine. First stop was the animals. Both boys get excited to feed the goats and
sheep. Poor Colin had a shock when a goat stepped on his head!! Luckily he
was wearing a hat so the hat got poop on it and not his hair!
We strolled around enjoying the sites and couldn't wait very long
before we had to get some sausage, onions and peppers and fries.
Then we went to where the rides were. We decided to do the
carousel first. We waited and got all set and then the attendant stopped us and said
we couldn't go because of the machines and such. SOOO, Gene had to go to the fair
office and the lady came out and we had to sign some paper and together we picked the
rides we wanted to try with the boys. She gave us some passes because she knew we
had to ride with the boys and didn't want us to use up the tickets for ourselves. I
went on with Colin and Julie went on with Casey. Well, let me tell you, that ride
went fast!!! I immediately felt NAUSEOUS!! Colin wanted to like it but I
sensed he felt the same thing! He'd smile and smile and then get a funny look on his
face. Casey and Julie stayed on a second time, but not us! I felt sick for
about 3 hours afterwards. Not even homemade maple walnut ice-cream or a cherry snow
cone helped my stomach!
Anyway, I could go on and on. Let's just say it was a good
day. I'm disappointed in our pictures. Aunt Chris totally missed the cars we
were sitting on (that shows you how fast we were going!) and somehow the pictures I took
of Gene and Colin on the train didn't come out. Oh well. Enjoy. It was
very chilly in the AM as you can see Colin in his jean jacket. By the end of the day
we were all hot. Casey has us put on his shorts and Colin ended up sunburn that
shows his bipap cap strap!! (I did keep Colin on his bipap more than he needed.
I was hoping that way he wouldn't be breathing in as much dust and grime). We
used just about a whole bottle of Purell and lots of antibacterial wipes--and we're known
as the "dirty" family!! Karen, I just can't quite picture you there with
your boys!!
September 14:
Colin got his hound dog adjustable knee sleeve made by Cascade today. We only ordered one, to make sure we
like it, and then we'll order a second one. They are Very adjustable in length and
how loose/tight they fit. And, they are cute!!
September 21:
Well, we had quite the day today.
You'll probably think we're nuts, but we brought Colin to preschool today! It
was picture day so we decided to go for pictures and then hang out for a bit. Gene,
Colin and I went to Open House a couple of weeks ago and met some of the kids and the
Well, pictures were disastrous!!
He did okay for a while but was pretty overwhelmed with all the kids and commotion.
There were 3 preschool classes there all at once, some with families and siblings!
Then, when it was his time, he bawled! No one could make him smile or even
stop crying! So, we'll have some bawl-baby pictures! Then, we put his bipap on
while we went back to the preschool room. Bawl, bawl, bawl. Then, I put
headphones on him to listen to a story and he calmed down. He and another boy
listened and had a nice time.
Then he was ready for action.
We played Legos, did puzzles, did some crafts, and all sorts of stuff. The kids were
very interested in him and his kart. Of course, the girls were all over him.
He got a spontaneous kiss from Ellie. I almost freaked, but held it in. Then
we had circle time and I held him and helped him with some of the finger play. Then
one of the little girls helped him stomp his feet while they went on a bear hunt. He
really didn't want to go! He went "wah" (fake) which means he's not
wanting to stop something.
We saw Casey for a minute. He did NOT want a kiss from me!!
Now, he has his special ed teacher here and they're doing some
more work. He's using his microlight switch with a Scanning Cheap Talk to tell
Meagan when to turn the page. (The first 3 squares are blank and he's supposed to
wait until it gets to the 4th one which is a challenge because he loves to click, click,
September 23:
This afternoon we sent off two balloons for Gilly's 3rd birthday. One had lots of
pretty flowers on it and the other was Mickey and Minnie because that's what Colin wanted
her to have! Attached was an SMA Support brochure that I wrote in "In
Memory Of Gilly Powell" on. The balloons got caught in one of our big
trees and I like to think that Gilly was there with those balloons watching us and didn't
quite want to bring them up to heaven yet! Love you, Gilly!
September 28:
Thursday night he was fussy and then
had cold symptoms all weekend...lots of secretions, coughing, etc. He's been on
bipap just about the whole weekend, and yesterday, too. The doc was supposed to stop
by after work yesterday, but forgot. This morning his lungs started sounding wet and
yucky. I wasn't too worried until this AM as he had been maintaining his sats fine,
and could come off bipap and be fine--he'd just want it back on. All morning he
sounded wetter and wetter and now the doc thinks he has some type of walking pneumonia.
He's ordered Biaxin. We're doing lots of moving him around and trying to do
CPT (he hates it) and doing the cough machine more, etc. He's been very stuffy in
his nose and the Advil Cold medicine seems to be helping a lot.
Better go pick up the medicine. We have a Nurse here for
him every day this week (not yesterday) so that's helpful. I've been going crazy
washing masks and headgear, suction stuff and face cloths.
So far Casey is fine. We'll be keeping them apart, for
Please send him prayers!!!
I am so proud of my big boy!
Last week Casey was being very vocal
during morning meeting. Casey is non-speaking, but not non-verbal!! He's been
better about being quiet at the appropriate times, so the nurse was trying to figure out
what was wrong. She finally got out of him that he wanted to contribute to
the conversation. They were talking about friendships. She kept asking him
questions and finally she got out of him that he wanted to tell the class about his friend
MJ!! Nancy and Casey told them a bit about her. Then, on Monday, he had to
"share" about something/someone special to him. He picked MJ.
He and I sat down and this is what we came up with.
"I have a friend named MJ. She lives in NY so we don't
get to see each other a lot, but when we do we have lots of fun! MJ is 16 and is
very smart. She has written stories that have been in magazines! She has also
designed a beanie baby that will be sold to help raise money for SMA. She has SMA
also. She sends me cards and I like to send her some of the papers I did in school.
Sometimes we talk on the phone. I'm very glad that MJ is my friend!"
His CF (communication facilitator) put it on his step by step
communicator, sentence by sentence and he read it perfectly!! We also had 4 framed
photos of MJ and MJ and Casey and one big one of the whole crew this spring in Mass.
The class really enjoyed hearing about his friend and thought she was pretty
September 29:
Well, Colin has had some rough moments. Last
night Gene almost called 911. We were putting the boys to bed, taking turns being
with them, and when Gene was with Colin he got really chokey and stopped breathing for a
second. Gene had to run down and get the cough machine and his sats came up but his
heart rate skyrocketed. We ended up bleeding a half a liter of oxygen through his
bipap to help him catch his breath. I played with the bipap settings and added some
extra breaths and he FINally settled down after about an hour and a half.
October 1:
Gene had a nice birthday.
Pretty low-key but that was fine with us! I made a cake with a box mix that Gene
picked out. (Thrilling, I know, but it's been crazy around here!) Colin made
Daddy a frame with his picture out of Popsicle sticks and bead and buttons. Casey
and I took an old Altoids box, modpodged a photo on the top, and glued felt on the
October 9:
I've had a baaad back for a few days
so I almost sent the crew out to Applefest without me, but I made it and felt better as I
walked around. I forgot my camera because I was busy ordering Gene around, making
sure he put all the stuff on the boys chairs properly and that kind of stuff. I'm
used to doing it myself! (Not that Gene isn't a big help all the time, there's just
certain things that we each do and he had to do most of both our tasks today)
Casey is a pro at events like
Applefest! Colin was very good, too. He wasn't nervous around the people at
all and he loved the commotion. We found him a red Power Ranger figure. Casey
and I were looking through some books and the woman gave Casey a tye-dyed beanie baby bear
named Sammy and she said she named him after Sammy Sosa. I found some muppet baby
books for Colin and I for our bedtime routine.
Colin decided he wanted to ride a pony. So, Gene put him up
kind of side saddle, laying down sortof and he loved it! He was BEAMING!!
Then, somehow, we lost Casey and Terry and when we found them they were all cracking
up! I guess they went over to pet the donkey and the donkey put his head
over the fence and grabbed Casey's Sammy Sosa bear right out of his lap! Then the
donkey dropped it on the ground. Terry went right under the fence and grabbed Sammy
back! He was a mess! (When we got home, I cleaned him up well and he looks
good as new) We walked the entire street and went into the school and checked out
the crafts. We enjoyed some hotdogs and fresh, hot apple crisp with
Oh, we saw lots and lots of dogs. Casey and Colin loved the New
Foundland who was
sooo gentle. And, we loved the bulldog baby. We all got lots of dog slobber on
On the tractor ride back to the
parking field we had some gentlemen with a drum, tuba, trombone, trumpet and a
clarinet, playing tunes for us! It was a good day!
October 21:
LOOOONNNNGGGGG O'Neill update...
Ill start with Casey. Casey is having a phenomenal year in 2nd
grade!!! I am so proud of him. I guess we got a lot of the hard transitioning
done last year from Kindergarten to 1st grade because he had a smooth time
fitting into 2nd grade. There are
22 kids in his class, which Im not crazy about, but thats just the way it is. He has made some new friends and likes hanging out
with boys this year as well as the girls. The
girls still LOVE him, but the boys think hes pretty cool and like to do math with
him and help him with his DynaVox and hang out with him while he practices his power
As he did has had previous years, Casey has one of
our home nurses go on the bus with him and stay with him all day long. He also has a Communication Facilitator (CF) with
him all day except for lunch/break time. He
has two main CFs and one that does a language segment with him. The CFs go through a special training and have
on-going training as well. They also know how
to use and program his DynaVox communication device.
I just got Caseys 1st Progress Report from his Special Ed
teacher. He is doing sooo well! He has met all his benchmarks for September and
gone way past where we expected him to be at this point in the school year. For example:
1 Goal is Making Requests and Choices.
After vocalizing to gain an adults attention, Casey will use eye point
to indicate his needs by choosing from up to 6 consistent symbols (repositioning, leave me
alone, Im finished, I dont understand, none of these, change pants,) according
to the following criteria
blah, blah, blah. Well,
he used to have a hard time doing this appropriately (some of it was US, Im sure)
but hes making 98% Pragmatic matches on a daily basis! These CFs are so good and have really
learned him well. Last year, for various
reasons, he had several aides and partial CFs.
He LOVEs art this year and has a wonderful
teacher. Shes been in the district
FORever and somehow she and Casey have clicked. Casey
and his CF and nurse go to art early and check out what is going on for the day and the
teacher helps adapt the project for him. She
has capitalized on his finger movement and hes brought home some beautiful art
projects with him just using his thumbs!!
Hes learning his power chair pretty well. Hes definitely not ready for crowds, but
hes getting better about stopping and turning.
It is a very powerful thing for him to be moving himself through space. He NEVER has had that until this power chair so
its got to be weird for him to be a bit independent in where he can move.
We go to the Pulmonologist and the Orthopedist
next week. Pulmonologist is just for our
bi-yearly check in. Ortho is post surgery
check up. Were concerned about his
shifting curve. He had spinal fusion a year
almost a year and a half ago. He only had the
back done and it seems like his back is changing shape.
Not good
Casey is still a baseball fan. He loves both the Red Sox and the Yankees. He thinks Johnny Damon is cool and he adores Derek
Jeter so he decided to wait and see who won the pennant to choose who hed be for
Halloween. So, hell be Johnny this
year! We went on an outing to the Halloween
Store yesterday and bought him a wig and beard for his Johnny costume!
Casey still loves his Box Car Childrens
series. Weve also taken to
reading The Magic Tree House series and Ghostville Elementary series. I snuggle in his bed with him and we read a
chapter or two each night.
Colin is doing pretty well. I still dont think hes quite back to
baseline since his pneumonia. Its been
about a month since he started with his colds, which lead to a slight pneumonia. Hes been really, really spittyjust
slowing down, now. Hes almost back to
his normal bipap regime.
School-wise, we have exciting news! I dont think I told many people about how
Colin is getting the school experience. We
have an ISDN line set up and Colin attends pre-school via video conferencing! The school was already setup to do this as
they had a teenager last year receiving chemo that was home bound. So she had the same kind of setup that Colin does
now. We started planning this way back in the
spring and everything finally came together just in time for the start of school. The ISDN line is expensive but its being
covered by a grant right now. Im going
to be looking into getting a grant to continue it or find some other funding.
Tuesday and Thursday morning we get all set up and wait for the school to dial us up. The kids are getting settled for Circle Time. I usually hold him in my lap and sing the songs
and do the finger/hand plays with him. He
loves it! He anxiously waits for the dial up
sound and stares at the monitor waiting! Then,
the classroom teacher places their camera so we can see one of the areas of the classroom. We usually try to mimic what they are doing as
much as we can. Weve played with blocks
with them, played with Play Dough, painted, played at a Farmers Market, shaved and
washed pumpkinsyou name it! The teacher
tries to tell us a week ahead of time what theyll have in each station so we can
plan. The kids love to talk to Colin on the
TV. They have a huge photo of Colin that they
laminated and put it on the ground, like a mat, so the kids know where to stand so Colin
can see them best. We have photos of all the
kids (there are only 8) so we can talk about them after class, too. We make picture for his friends and they send him
home pictures also! Casey is
responsible for bringing in Colins folder each Tuesday and Thursday and
bringing it back home with the What we did in class paper and any other
Colin has his Special Ed teacher coming once a week to do special projects with him. He has his Intensive Special Ed teacher coming
once a week to work on his DynaVox (yes, he recently got one), and he has his Speech
teacher coming once a week to keep us on track with Oral Motor stuff as well as DynaVox
and articulation. And, he has his home based
PT who helps us with the stander, KidKart, power chair, splints, braces, etc. And, he has a home based OT as well as a
consulting PT and OT from school. So, we are
busy! He has a day nurse Tuesday through
Friday. Mondays he and I spend together
relaxing getting ready for the busy week ahead.
Hes at his highest weight ever24
pounds 6 ounces. He looks really good to me
weight-wise. Hes wearing mostly 3T
clothes and some 4Ts (which are a bit big, but they were Caseys and I love to see
him wearing Caseys clothes!) and sometimes 2Ts
He goes to the pulmonologist and orthopedist next
week as well. Hes definitely got a
scoliosis going on, but I just dont know what we can do about it. He has his TLSO that he wears when hes
upright (which really isnt that often) and were careful about positioning. His scoliosis isnt quite as severe as
Caseys was at his age so Im hoping we can hold off on surgery for many years
to come!
Sasha. Yes,
Aunt Me-Me, we still do have our Rottie. Shes
doing fine. Shes not the companion to
the boys like we hoped shed be, but she doesnt step on them anymore. She is totally Daddys Doggie. She worships Gene and is very sad when he goes to
work. Everyone else is just a pale comparison
to him, apparently!
Sister, the cat, is fine, too. She has taken to sneaking outside A LOT. We dont like her to do that, but sometimes
its inevitable. She caught and ate (I
know, I know) a mouse in the house the other day. GROSS.
Gene is doing okay.
He just went back to Dartmouth Hitchcock for a follow up dizzy
appointment. They did all the same tests and
put him on that weird machine again and he tested a bit better. He has different exercises to do that, hopefully,
wont make him nauseous. Gene really
believes that cutting out aspartame has helped him have less severe dizzy spells and have
them less often. Work has been going okay. Always rumors about cutbacks and layoffs, but what
can we do. Gene is thrilled because we just
had our electrician guy hook up electricity to our new garage. And, hes installed a panel so we have more
breakers and he will have a separate one for Colins new room (his Make-A-Wish room
will be getting started in November) and we can hook up the generator to that room so we
could basically live out there if we needed to. Its
not like a whole house generator but it will do!Me, Im fine. Feeling like I need some exercise and to lose some
weight but when is that going to happen? I
dont know. Sometimes I cant even
find time to brush my teeth and floss my teeth. My
legs have not been shaved since August! (Okay,
so you probably didnt need to know that!) My
parents gave me their old Camry 4-door, so I have a nice reliable car now. Gene tends to like clunkers (and thats
pretty much what we can afford!) I love the
new Big Lots near us. I could spend a whole
day there. Last week I got my eyes checked
for the first time in about 5 years. Im
looking forward to being able to read the small print on vitamin bottles again. I guess I need reading glasses! ~~Another one of those things that hits you after
you turn 40. I still love my Survivor on
Thursday nights. One of these days Ill
stay up for CSI but I just cant seem to! I
love my Clean Sweep, In a Fix and While You Were Out re-runs. And, of course, Dr Phil rocks!!! I still always find the time to read at night. I cant seem to stay awake during a TV
program past 9 oclock, but put a good book in my hand and I can stay up until
Midnight, REALLY!
Colin and I read Harold and the Purple Crayon
every night. I hold up different books and he
says, no, no, no, no until I hold up Harold and then he says,
UH-HUH! He and I have a routine
where I leave out certain words and he fills them in.
He says moon, balloon, bed, sleep, red, all on cue!
Oh, I forgot!!
Colin did go to ONE day of pre-school.
It was a Tuesday and they were having picture day. We decided to go for it. NOT a good idea.
He hated the people all in the room waiting for pictures. He cried. We
got back to the classroom and he calmed down and enjoyed himself. Of course, the boy who likes him best is
infamously known for his secretions
Thursday night I noticed he had increased
secretions and higher heartrate and in the next day he came down with a full blown illness
so no more pre-school until after, WAY after, the germy season
So, thats the ONeill update in a very
large nutshell!

Apr. 17-Jun.12, 2002 |
June 17-Dec 2, 2002 |
Jan. 3, 2003- April 4,
2003 |
April 5, 2003-June 23,
2003 |
June 28, 2003-Dec 2003 |
Jan. 2004-June 16, 2004 |
June16, 2004-Dec2004 |
January 05-March 31 2005 |
April 2005-June 2005 |
2005-October 4, 2005
October 5,
2005-Dec 31, 2005 |
Jan. 1, 2006 to
April 17, 2006 |
