The O'Neill
Family Journal!

January 2005
through March 31, 2005!!!!!
January 13:
I just got Casey's Special Ed progress notes for
the 2nd quarter. They're all good, and show improvements, (mostly!).
Anyway, I'm going to write what was on Objective
"Given a variety of opportunities to
practice, Casey will increase the number of environments in which he drives his
chair." (Remember, Casey uses his power chair with a single switch, just using
his thumb, so it takes more learning than a joystick)
"Driving continues to be Casey's favorite
part of the school day, and he has made some amazing gains this quarter, despite having a
two-week period in which the chair was out for repairs. Casey has moved from driving
only in an empty cafeteria and large gymnasium to driving in the hallways; in fact, he no
longer enjoys the cafeteria! When he first began driving in the hallways, Casey
would be hesitant when other people were near him and usually stopped and waited until the
halls were empty. Now, however, he is more comfortable with people in the hall and
will continue driving even when classes move next to him. His classmates are very
excited to see him driving in the hallways, and he has fun showing off his new skills.
Casey has been able to negotiate large, open
corners with decreasing prompts, thus meeting his December benchmark of driving through
doorways. He consistently holds his thumb on the switch to drive straight with few
stops. Once given a prompt to turn, he will hold his thumb down long enough to make
the turn and then go straight.
It is very exciting to see Casey drive, especially
when we hear him laughing before we even see him! He enjoys this independence and is
making fast progress toward his objectives. The team will continue to videotape
periodically to measure his progress."
January 17:
Please add my big boy to your prayer list.
Last night he was pretty spitty. This morning he had some pale yellow
secretions. Tons and tons of "stuff" came out, several times with the
in/ex (but that is sometimes normal for mornings). He still felt like going bowling,
so he, Aunt Chris, and Nurse Julie went out for a couple of hours. He did
fine--bowling-wise and secretion-wise. This afternoon he was pretty quiet and didn't
want to play any games with Colin and us...All he wanted to do was watch his TV and hum,
hum, hum, like he's spacing out.
Nurse Julie will be here tonight (she always does
two shifts on Mondays!) so he's in good hands.
I'll update in the AM. He's probably staying
home unless this all turns out to be a figment of our imagination!!
January 17: 8PM
Casey is definitely sick. I just threw
him in the shower because his feeding went EVERYwhere. He didn't even complain.
Must have been I didn't check his port last time I rolled him over...The shower did
him good. I in/exed him immediately afterwards because I heard "stuff" and
I got out the yellowyest stuff from his trach that I've seen in 3 years. After that
it was just normal "stuff" but I'm worried. His respirations are up a bit
and his heart rate is higher. His sats are perfect at 99-100%. He didn't even
bug me to read him a book. I just got him all snuggly and lay down with him and he
was out for the count. Please be thinking of my boy, okay??
January 18, 2005
Casey is doing pretty well. He's had
increased heart rate and respirations and lots of "stuff" but he is holding his
sats fine. He had a slight increase in temp and runny eyes. Nurse Julie gave
him one neb treatment (Albuterol) in the middle of the night. Other than that, it's
our regular care with coughing as needed and some Tylenol Cold. We moved him around
a lot today but kept him laying down (I think that made him a bit mad!) He got to
see lots of TV and read lots of books and played some games. He'll stay home again
tomorrow with me as his day "nursie". That's our report! Hopefully
it will continue to be just a bit of a cold and not the dreaded respiratory stuff that is
Thanks for the continued thoughts and prayers!
January 20:
Hi everyone!
See how the room is coming along!! The paint
colors are much nicer in person. 3 walls are blue and 1 is green. The gas log
stove is a chocolate brown which looks cool against the green. We just got that
hooked up yesterday. Today they broke through to the main part of our house!
Hopefully, tomorrow, the electrician will come back and we can use the electricity.
Still waiting for flooring choices. The guys are going to paint the bifold doors
between the rooms a glossy white to go with the trim. It sure has come a LONG way
from Gene's grungy garage!!
Click here
for the pictures!
Colin started with a
high heart rate and lots of secretions. He's also been wanting bipap for most of the
day :(
Please say some prayers for my little guy, okay?
Julie and Casey were horsing around this afternoon
and ooopsy, his tubey "separated", kind of. So part of it was in him and
part was off. The balloon (obviously) was in him but the other part that makes up
the Mic-Key came off. It was almost like whatever holds it together disintegrated.
It was time to change it, anyway. It had been in almost 6 months! I
freaked. Julie stayed calm. Casey was a little scared but was fine with it.
I held his head so he could look at it when Julie pulled out the rest of the tube
and put it in!! Weird, I know!
Casey did fine in school today. Julie used
the cough machine 3 times and got lots of stuff each time, but he acted and felt fine.
He seemed glad to be back! Five kids were out yesterday!
I made cupcakes this afternoon for Casey to bring
to his class for his birthday. Julie and Casey finished decorating this afternoon
with some streamers and balloons.
January 21:
Colin slept pretty crappily. His numbers
were fine, he just wanted to flip a lot. He also woke up once crying. I think
he had a bad dream! And, we only had the candle light in the window so it was pretty
dark. I had Gene put on the red lava light and he calmed down.
Colin is actually is satting fine and his
numbers look good! He is very nasally and has lots of secretions, but he's handling
the cold fine. Daddy said he's feeling like he has a cold so he's working from home
today. I took advantage of that and went out into town for a bit for some errands.
Well, the cupcakes were a hit! The kids were
thrilled that they got to have them before lunch! Casey had a good day at school
today. He enjoyed the kids singing him Happy Birthday! Oh, I brought the guys
(Shaun and Tom) some cupcakes and told them if they wanted them they had to sing Happy
Birthday to Casey, so they came in and they did it! Casey laughed and smiled his
crinkly smile!
January 22:
I know I should not
feel so affected by this, but I am. Casey is bowling with a friend from school (and
Nurse Julie and Daddy). This really is the first time he's been out with a peer, not
counting relatives or family friends. Casey cultivated this friendship all on his
own. Of course, all 8-year-olds should have friends, I know, and no disability
should stop anyone from being friends with him. But, Casey is so physically
different than everyone else in his school. He doesn't speak (in words) and looks
different, too. I really don't know of many type one kids, as weak as Casey, being
mainstreamed like he is. Casey is such a trooper and has such a positive
outlook on things. I am so happy he has found a friend like Erich. Today,
actually, is the first time I've met Erich in person. Right away he told me how good
a friend they are to each other. He likes Casey because he "pulls my leg and
makes me laugh." He is quite matter-of-fact about all of Casey's needs and
equipment. He solemnly told me today that he "knows about Colin." He
asked if Colin needed suction, too, and commented on how he had more movement than
Casey does. It just warms my heart to know that Casey has a buddy like Erich.
January 25:
Today Colin's new communication facilitator,
Heather, was here. They were in the yellow room, doing their thing and I decided to
go in and check on them (Nurse Sue was in there, too). I decided to go in and see
how Colin was doing and he looked up at me and clear as a bell said, "Bye"!!!
He didn't want me there at ALL!
March 2:
Another precious Angel went to heaven.
Makalia Brown. Click here
to visit her website.

Casey had a two-hour delay this morning.
Only Milton and one other school district were on Delay--everyone else was on time.
We did get quite a bit of snow here, and I'm sure the back roads are quite snow covered
and messy. Casey wore an outfit today that Luke McAdams sent him. Casey and
Luke are built very similarly so it's lucky for Casey to be the younger one and get
Something is going on with Colin. Actually,
for a couple of weeks we've been noticing he's been having a higher heart rate than his
norm. And, I think he's been needing a bit more bipap, too. We've also
noticed, at times, Colin looks like he's really uncomfortable (when he's off bipap) and he
fusses a bit and his hands and his feet get DRENCHED with sweat. After a while it
goes away. I haven't figured out any correlation with being on or off of feeds--but
it could be. He hasn't had any dietary changes at all. He's been pooping fine.
He has no temperature. His lungs are clear. He still has the little
"creak" in there that he's always had. It's sortof a positional thing.
One second you can hear it and then it's gone. But that's his normal sounds.
This morning he acted fussy, fussy during his
shower--which is unusual. Then he'd be fine the next second. We put him back
on bipap because of his high heart rate and he's still "taching" out in the
160s. Too high. He also has a lot of air in his belly so we're continually
venting him. I turned up his breathrate on his bipap because he wasn't syncing well
with it. So, who knows.

Some good news! Our Cousins Kelly and Jay
welcomed their new baby (first) today, March 2, at 2:52 AM! His name is Jayden
Ellwood Polk. They're both doing fine. Can't wait to see pictures!
March 3:
Happy 1st Birthday, Grace Coggins!!!
Colin was better today--not totally normal, but he
didn't have quite the high heart rate like yesterday. Heather came for TV school.
It was going to be out first day in the new Wish room and we had it all ready, but
for some reason the school couldn't dial up. So Heather and Colin did there thing.
They did dinosaur stuff. Books and dinosaurs in sand, etc. I don't know
all of what they did because Colin said "BYE" to me again!!
The floor guy came to fix the tiles and realized
that he needs to totally take some up so he has to order another whole box. So they
won't even get to Bard until Monday!!
Tuesday, Cheryl King, the kindergarten teacher
from school, is coming to talk to us and take pictures of Colin during class time.
Glad we changed it to then since it didn't work today! Ed Barry is in charge of a
technology in Milton Schools article so we'll be part of it.
Tami came this afternoon for Colin. She
brought a color game for Colin to practice using his switch and the All Spin It. We
only have the numbers 1-6 overlays so we changed the game to Trouble. Colin was
click happy because he saw that Tami was getting a reaction from it. So she changed
her strategy to pretending that she didn't care if he was clicking away. We'd have
him lose his turn if he clicked the switch more than once. It worked because he knew
he wasn't getting a reaction and that he certainly wasn't going to win if he kept losing
his turn!
March 4:
Happy Birthday to Connor! You've come a long
way, Connor Reilly! This picture was taken when we first met you and you were just a BABY!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of our bestest buds, Connor Reilly!!! We love you and can't wait to
see you at "Connor's Fun Run"!!! It's less than two months away!! Hope you and
your mom and dad and Tim and Owen have a special day.

Oh, BTW, Connor is 3 today! Check out his
Fun Run website here.

So, I'm pretty convinced that Colin's high heart
rate those other days were because of the plug that came out of his mouth on Wednesday
evening. Gene had put on his bipap because he was stressing and a bit later saw a
gross thing on his "spit cloth." It looked like a bug, REALLY! It
was brown, and yellow and dark red and looked like it had legs. It was a mucous
plug. Yesterday, Colin's heart rate was much better and this morning he is back to
his NORMAL. SO, I'm hoping that he will STAY at his normal!!
Today was a "do nothing" day. I
didn't feel like doing anything. Colin got way more TV than he should have.
Casey had a good day at school. We were all tired tonight. Aunt Chris got us a
bunch of Chinese food from Milton.
March 5:
For some reason, Casey was wide awake from 3AM
until 4:30. He had poor Nancy Hadd flipping him from once to another and making her
pat his back! He finally woke around 10AM! Colin had a tub bath while Daddy
got Casey ready. Aunt Chris came and read lots of books to the boys. Daddy put
up the mini blinds in the Wish Room. Now he's working on shortening them. I've
been cleaning and doing laundry and making beds. Oh joy.
Aunt Chris came over and read to the boys.
Then Colin wanted TV so she continued reading to Casey for about 3 hours! He could
listen for days! I had a nasty headache, so I slept for almost an hour.
AAAhh. Later on Nancy Hadd came. The boys enjoyed playing "Tent"
with her and using the voice changer while playing in the tent. Casey had a LONG
bath. I think they played with almost every toy. Colin stayed up late and
watched A Bug's Life with Daddy.
March 6:
I feel much better today. Much more energy
and motivation.
March 7:
Happy Birthday to Billy! He is
4-years-old today!!! And, Happy 8th Birthday to the Swanson girls! Quiet
morning. Colin and I went into the yellow room to hang out. We straightened up a bit
for Dr DiMichele. Then we colored for a while. I put two short, short books on
Colin's Step-by-step so he could show off for Dr DiMichele.
Amy called and said that Lily had been exposed to
the flu! Her dad has been confirmed as having the flu. She is freaking out.
She has a script for--I forget what--if Lily starts showing symptoms.
Dr D came right before 1PM. Colin was
actually NICE to him! He was smiling and maintained a nice heart rate and sats the
whole time--well, except for the minute or two it took to give him 4 shots! Yes, 4!!
He was a little behind. When he was reading Colin's chart he noticed that he
needed more than he originally thought so he called Nurse Peggy and she ran them down here
and gave two of them. Colin got a a little red, rubber lizard for being so good.
I think Dr D was pleased with Colin, for the most part. He thought his lungs
were good, and his breathing was slow and steady, which Dr D doesn't usually get to see.
Usually, he sees him when he's not feeling well. He did notice his scoliosis.
He asked about the dentist (we're going in April) and he wants him to see the eye
doctor. He thought one of his eyes might not be tracking correctly. He made a
couple of diet suggestions. I'd like to talk to him more about it and also have the
nutritionist come back. We've been planning on getting together, but it hasn't
happened yet! He suggested I give him Tylenol every 4 hours for the next 24
hours, since he had so many immunizations. One of them could cause some significant
swelling so we're watching for that.
March 21:
I can't believe it's over! We will miss
working with the MAW people.They've been a part of our lives for a couple of years--first
with Casey's wish and then with Colin's.
We had a really nice turn out. Abby and
Donna from MAW came early to setup. They brought a huge cake and soda and cups and plates,
decorations, and all that jazz. Our nurse, Terry, brought some yummy strawberries and
grapes and some mini cadberry eggs. Gene cut up a pineapple, and he made some punch. He
even went up in the attic and got out my fancy punch bowl. Thanks, Cami, for being a
great hostess and helping set up and clean up. BTW, you look awesome!
I found out about an hour before the
party that Darrin Perron, from our CBS affiliate, was coming! AAAHHH!!! I was NOT
prepared! I only found ONE SMA Support brochure and I grabbed one of the Angel Times. I
talked to him for a while off camera first. He's really cool. We watch his news whenever
the boys let us! Casey used to be in love with Sharon Meyer, the weather lady, but now he
doesn't like it. Anyway, he was interested in SMA. I talked about it as well as I could.
Then, after the party had been going on for a while, he came and sat with me and Colin and
interviewed me. I hated it because everyone was watching and listening to me! But, he said
I did fine and he'd edit out my not so great parts. On camera we mostly talked about MAW
and what this room means to Colin and our family.
Donna and Abby presented us with a plaque
that has a picture of Colin in the Sky chair. It says: Colin's Wish, March 21, 2005;
Wishing you many happy memories in your wish room!
Bill, Nurse Julie's boyfriend, took
charge of drinks and cake. He's a caterer and made sure everyone was taken care of!
Judy, Aunt Chris's friend from school,
came and brought me a bouquet of spring flowers.
Casey really had a fun time, but you'll
see him looking grouchy in all the photos. Colin was quite happy! He was very chatty and
happy and was not stressed at all! He ate up all the attention!
Jennifer (Colin's teacher and our
friend), brought Alaina and Gregory and Rian. They livened things up for us!
Julie's mom, Margaret, AKA
Mrs. Claus,
came. She's been very good to us as a family and has also been a big supporter of SMA
Five out of six of our nurses (Julie,
Nancy H, Nancy L, Terry, and Sue) were here! It's sooo funny because we've never had all
of them here at the same time--this was the closest ever! Someone is always sleeping or
working somewhere else, etc.
Casey and Colin's intensive needs
teacher, Meagan came. She's actually becoming involved in MAW. She is going to be one of
the people that work with families on picking their wishes. She'll be really good at
working with the families with extra special needs like my boys that are
Casey and Colin's OT from school, Clare,
came bearing two helium balloons! Of course, Aunt Chris was here and brought a
balloon bouquet. We had Kate Miller, from the Milton Independent, here. I hope we
make the front page!
***BTW, we did make the front page of the
Milton Independent. I'll have to have someone scan it for me and I'll put it up
somewhere on the site! There's a sweet picture of Gene and Colin on the front
March 24:
Nurse Julie shaved Casey's sideburns before school
today. Can you believe it??? I can't believe that my 8-year-old has a razor
and shaving cream in his bathroom!
March 26:
We had our egg
dying activity today. The boys had fun. Well, Casey wasn't into it, but I secretly think
he liked it. He's pretending so much to be a teenager lately, that he wanted to act
ornery! I took more pictures with my 35mm camera today, so for some reason I don't
have any of Casey on digital. Notice how he can lift his arms! (click here) Very proud of him!
Happy Easter, everyone!

Later on, I ended up going shopping with
Aunt Peggy and Grandma O'Neill. Only Peggy was able to come up today. She
really wanted the boys to see the new room since they had spent so much time helping clean
out the space when it was a garage! Anyway, they were going to Filene's to shop for
their Ireland trip so I tagged along. It was nice to get out. It was a
beautiful day-still chilly but sunny and blue, blue skies. Gene said I could buy
some things for my Easter gift since he only got me some little things. I went a
little wild, ooops! I finally bought Casey some socks. I can't believe the
growth spurt he's had!
I guess the boys were fine while I was
gone. Aunt Chris had just arrived as we were leaving. Nancy R and Chris
entertained them with books and playing with all of our little Easter toys. Nancy H
came at 4 PM and took over helping Aunt Chris entertain.
March 27:
Happy Easter! Happy Birthday to my
big brother, Bob! No fair that you get to spend Easter in sunny Florida with mom and
dad. It's actually sunny today, but chilly. We could all use some Florida
sunshine to warm up our Vermont bones. Today we're heading over to Aunt Chris's.
Hopefully, we'll take a walk and then we'll play some games and hang out.
Grandma and Grandpa O'Neill are coming over, too.
March 28:
We had a busy
Easter Sunday. Casey was excited about the Easter Bunny so he was wide awake from 6AM
until 8:30 "yelling". He usually sleeps in on Saturdays and Sundays, so we made
him stay in bed and he finally fell back to sleep. Colin was very patient waiting for
Casey to re-wakeup.
The Easter Bunny hid the boys
baskets in the new room. Daddy had Colin and I had Casey. We searched and searched and
found the baskets! Colin's was hidden behind his toy basket and Casey's was hidden
underneath a blanket in the Sky chair! We enjoyed going through the baskets. The boy's
really seemed to enjoy their loot. Lots of books and games and do-dads.
Then we got dressed up and packed to go
to Aunt Chris's. It was a beautiful day, so when we got there we went right for a walk. She
lives in a condo development with lots of sidewalks, so it's great for strolling around.
Sasha came with us, too.
Then we had MORE Easter baskets! We hung
out and played with our goodies, read books and chatted. Grandma and Grandpa O'Neill came
over. It was so nice to be there and not worry about cleaning or cooking or checking
email, etc. Nice and relaxing. The boys were perfect. Colin really enjoyed being out. He
didn't go out much this winter.
Then we enjoyed a really, really nice
meal. We had spiral ham, mashed potatoes, swiss corn bake, green bean casserole, and
rolls. Aunt Chris had the table all done up nicely. Her flowers were beautiful (oh, and
she gave me a centerpiece for Easter on Friday), and we each had a chocolate rabbit at our
place. The boys sat with us. They weren't too thrilled but were polite about it! We had
cupcakes for dessert with vanilla frosting, coconut and a jelly bean on top. We hung out
for a while longer. Then we had to pack up and go home and get the boys ready for bed.
Casey was out in no time flat and same with Colin!
March 29:
Casey did not have a good
day at school yesterday. It actually started before school. He was pretty quiet, and when
we put his sneakers on he started crying. We thought we had hurt his toe so we took them
off and started over. He was still weepy right up to going out the door. He was pretty
iffy in the morning at school and he bawled twice. Julie gave him Tylenol twice, moved him
around--bean bag, tumbleforms chair, cushions and he still was not happy. He perked a bit
for computer time. When he came home he just wanted to chill and watch his new DVD Sponge
Bob movie. We put him to be extra early. He was ASLEEP by 7:30.
He moaned in his sleep a lot in the beginning of
the night. Julie said he was awake and crying once. He has a fever of 99.6
axillary with
meds. This is SO not like him. He's still sleeping now. We'll let him sleep as long as he
wants. Then we'll baby him when he gets up and let him hang out in his PJs and watch DVDs
or play computer or read books.
His lungs are clear and his secretions are normal.
So please send Casey some prayers, okay? I have
two nurses here today, so I'm going to try to get some stuff done and make sure Casey is
March 29 continued:
Well, Casey really,
really complained about his foot when Nancy went to put on his socks. I talked to the
Ortho Nurse and she recommended that he be seen by his pediatrician. Of course, Dr
DiMichele is away so we had to go up to St. Alban's 20-25 minutes away, to a doc we didn't
know. Luckily, they did get us an appointment quickly so we rushed and got him in the van.
He was not happy but we had to go. We waited in the office for quite awhile. We
finally get to see the doc--Dr Heidi, and she was about 12-years-old! She was very nice
and comfortable with Casey. She checked his throat, ears, belly, heart, etc. She thought
one ear looked pink (I checked, too, and agreed) so she's treating him for an ear
infection-just amoxycillan. Then she went to look at his foot and he bawled and bawled.
Oh, we even brought the in/ex in and used it because he was crying so much and
kicking up secretions. So she thought we should get an x-ray. So off we go to North
Western Medical, which is a tiny hospital right next door. It took forever to get
checked in since we had never been there before. Anyway, they did get us in quickly
once we had the paperwork done. They took several different views of his foot. He cried
and cried. He was a wreck! Then, we had to get his trach cleaned out and and try to get
him to stop crying. The tech told us we'd get results by tomorrow. I kind of flipped over
that. Then he said he'd make sure they were read right away and we could call the doc in a
couple of hours. Even longer story, but we finally left after Casey and Nancy checked out
the gift shop (less tears now). We stopped over at the docs office to see if she'd tell me
the results but they hadn't come through yet. Nancy and I were famished so we drove
through Wendy's. Then we stopped at Brooks to drop off Casey's script. Priscilla (Casey's
CF) saw us and came over to the van. Then, Nurse Julie came over as she had just gotten
her haircut in Milton. Even seeing Julie didn't perk him up.
Dr. Heidi just called and she said there
was no fracture. She said if it continues to give him pain, to see our ortho doc.
So, that's good. I just don't know what we'll do when we have to put shoes or
socks on him again!
Right now he's playing computer with
Nancy and Colin. I just heard him laugh for the first time all day.
OH, and Colin had school this morning. He
was fine but Sue put on his bipap because he seemed a little uncomfortable. We were all
fussing around Caseyand I went in to see Heather and Colin and I saw yucky stuff coming
out of his mouth! I'm still not sure if it was vomit or pluggy stuff. It
looked mucousy,
and kind of like food but it didn't smell like food. He acted really great after that. But
that was like the last straw...every time I need to go out or do something with
Casey--Colin usually manages to pull SOMEthing.
March 30:
Well, Colin just puked. He was on
his bipap because he was acting a bit funny. He had had a shower and was working
with Meagan. He started to have lots of secretions and I started to suction him and
boom, lots of puke. We vented his belly really quickly and TONS of air came out.
He feels lots better now.
Casey slept pretty well last night.
He's had two doses of amoxycillan so far. He's been on Tylenol or Ibuprophen,
which seems to help. We let him sleep in again and he slept until almost 10AM!
He was sweaty and stinky so Nancy gave him a shower. As soon as she started
to take off his pj pants he started bawling. I called our Ortho Nurse and she said
they had clinic tomorrow and to bring him in. We'll get the x-rays that were just
taken yesterday and bring those down. And, Pam is the PT at clinic tomorrow which
works out really good. So another day of no school for Casey tomorrow. Friday
is an off day for the kids so he's missing a whole week! We may bring him to drive
his chair tomorrow, after our appointment, if Casey's hanging in there. Then, Friday
both boys have dentist appointments. Yikes. No rest for the weary!
March 31:
Casey was weepy first thing this morning,
but got over it. Julie had to work pretty hard to get him in a good mood! He
had a little increased temp this morning so he got some Tylenol Julie put his AFOs
on (he usually wears his inserts and sneakers) thinking that they may support his foot
better if he was sore. He seemed pretty fine with it. We took off for Ortho
Clinic and got a great parking spot and we got there early, too!
Dr Arronsen looked at his x-rays and
didn't see any fracture. He really couldn't tell us what is it but is guessing that
it's something that will just take several weeks of babying to get it feeling better.
We have an appointment for both boys at the end of the month and he'll make sure to
include Casey's hips in his back x-rays. It's very hard for us to know what Casey is
feeling. One minute he blinks for "yes" that his hips hurt and then he
says no, and it's his belly or foot or some other body part. We can't seem to tell
when he's teasing us or not. We've been concerned that he's not letting us stretch
his hips and knees AT ALL. He'll be happy on his belly, and get a good stretch that
way, but any time we try to do a little ROM he yells at us. He's getting some mighty
bad contractures. So, nothing definitive but I feel better having our doc read the
Afterwards, I checked out 3 different
furniture stores trying to find an armoire for the Wish Room. I know what I want but
haven't found anything that really fits our needs. One place could make me an
unfinished pine piece for about $450 but I don't know...we'll see. Casey and Julie
stayed in the van while I went in. Casey wanted to stay in the van and listen to

Apr. 17-Jun.12, 2002 |
June 17-Dec 2, 2002 |
Jan. 3, 2003- April 4,
2003 |
April 5, 2003-June 23,
2003 |
June 28, 2003-Dec 2003 |
Jan. 2004-June 16, 2004 |
June16, 2004-Dec2004 |
January 05-March 31 2005 |
April 2005-June 2005 |
2005-October 4, 2005
October 5,
2005-Dec 31, 2005 |
Jan. 1, 2006 to
April 17, 2006 |
