Current Photos Page 10!

Cupid 1.JPG (61044 bytes)

Samantha on Valentines days with all her goodies

cupid 2.JPG (66755 bytes)

Samantha in her Valentines day dress with her goodies

Samantha Coloring 5.23.03 006resized.jpg (45359 bytes)

Samantha Coloring using her arm sling and tasting the markers

Samantha Coloring 5.23.03 007resized.jpg (58208 bytes)

Samantha after tasting her markers

Samantha full cast resized 6.8.03 017.jpg (40811 bytes)

Samantha with her serial cast to correct her contractures

Samantha showing off cast 005resized.jpg (57762 bytes)

Samantha showing off her half cast also correcting her contractures

Samantha and Grandma 5.26.03 003resized.jpg (40110 bytes)

Samantha and Grandma

Samantha and Mommy 5.26.03 001resized.jpg (36134 bytes)

Samantha and Mommy


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