Cheesin' with mommy at Christmas
Playing outside with Daddy
Uncle David & Bobby at Christmas
Painting with Pap
Sittin' in my cousin Amber's lap
Driving a race car with Nana
At the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay in Vegas with Mom, Dad, Uncle Chuck & Aunt Kris

Me and my mommy
Here is my Nana & Pap
Me and my Noni
Here I am with my Great Grandpa
Here I am with my little cousin
Bobby, Aren't we cute?
Goofin' off with Pap & Nana
Here I am with my cousin Amber, Diane, & Fuzzy
Here's my Uncle Chuck & Aunt
Kris- they live in Las Vegas
My Great Uncle Jay & Aunt Debi
visited me when we were in Vegas, they live in California
Posing in Times Square with mom and dad
Resting in front of the White House in Washington DC
Me and mommy pretending to be clowns at the circus
Eating at the Rainforest Cafe with my cousin Stacey