Playing the Nascar racing game with Daddy
I was a ring bearer at my Uncle Chuck's wedding- just posing with my mommy

Now we are with a blue hockey player Amber
Playing with my little cousin Bobby
Hanging out with Uncle Roy, Aunt Dottie, my cousins Steve & Elizabeth
Great Grandpa & Binga Koehler at Thanksgiving
Dancing with my cousin Amber
Great Grandpa Hedrickplaying the fiddle- he is so good!
Playing men with my Aunt Kris & Jazmine
Dancing with mommy and daddy
Dancing with Uncle Chuck and Noni
Posing with the boys- Uncle Chuck, Chris & Daddy
Me and my Uncle Chuck
Daddy is helping me on my Easter egg hunt
Daddy tickling me
Sitting on a bench with my Noni & Nana in Central Park
And again with my mommy in Central Park