Sara's Healing Prayer



            Your Word says that we are to pray for one another so that we may be healed.  I pray for healing and wholeness for my daughter, Sara Rose Greene. I pray that sickness, infirmity, and muscle weakness will have no place or power in Sara’s life.  I pray for protection against the Spinal Muscular Atrophy that inflicts her body.  Your word says, “He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions” (Psalm 107:20).  Wherever there is disease, illness, or infirmity in Sara’s body, I pray that You, Lord, will touch Sara with Your healing power and restore her to total health. Please keep her physical body comfortable and her spiritual being filled with love and light.

            Deliver Sara from the Spinal Muscular Atrophy that has come upon her.  Restore her genes so that Sara’s body can move the way that God created us- with muscle and strength so that we are able to move, sit, stand, and walk.  Specifically, I ask for strong muscle tone and strength for movement.  Please replenish Sara’s loss of her motor neuron nerve cells in her spinal cord and help her SMN protein replenish itself.   I ask You, Lord, to give Sara the strength to swallow, to breathe deeply, to hold her head up, to sit up straight, to move her legs, and to bear weight on her arms and legs. Please bless Sara with strength to breathe easy without ventilator assistance and please allow her mouth, throat, and jaw become strong so that Sara may be able to swallow food and drinks for nourishment.  While we are waiting for Sara’s healing please bless Sara with good health free of colds, pneumonia, and scoliosis.  Please Lord give Sara the understanding she needs to deal with her disease while we wait for her healing. Please give Sara the comfort and love from all around her and wrap her in your sweet loving arms.

If we are to see a doctor, I pray that You, Lord will show us who that should be.  Give the doctor’s wisdom and full knowledge of the best way to care for Sara. Please give the doctors and scientist the knowledge and research funding that they need to discover a cure and treatment for SMA for all children inflicted with Spinal Muscular Atrophy as soon as possible.

Thank you, Lord, that You suffered and died for us so that we might be healed.  I lay claim to that heritage of healing which You have promised in Your Word and provided for those who believe.  I look to You for a life of health, healing, and wholeness for my child, Sara.


In Jesus name I pray,   Amen.   


Heal Sara, O LORD, and she will be healed,

Save her and she will be saved,

For You are the One we praise.