My Equipment!


In my floor sitter

Cruisin' in my Standing Dani -
 2 years old

Standing Dani time again

My first day in my brand new wheelchair!
Coming out of the garage...
September 2001

Practicing in the yard...
September 2001

Loving my NEW wheels!!

Coming up the ramp on our new deck...

First day using my wheels in the house!
September 2001 - 2 years old

First day crushing in my wheels in the house!
September 2001 - 2 years old

My new RGO's (Reciprocating Gait Orthosis)

Me & My friend Kiley

My new "Power" Standing Dani
helping Dad in the yard.
June 2003 - 4 years old

Getting Bigger
In my power Standing Dani
5 years old





(This link goes to my journal, just make sure to sign the guestbook!)